Roma Romaniv, ’17 (BUS)

Roma Romaniv

Associate, Summit Partners 

Roma is an investor at Summit Partners focused primarily on the technology sector. Her investment experience includes CoderPad. Prior to Summit, Roma worked at Citigroup, most recently in the technology investment banking team and previously as an equity capital markets analyst.

Roma holds a BS in finance and a BA in human rights, summa cum laude, from the University of Connecticut.

Roma Romaniv is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Roma is a rock star mentor, giving back to the UConn Consulting Group, of which she is an alumna, and Hillside Ventures
  • As a senior, Roma served as a manager with the Student Managed Fund where she oversaw a fund of over $2 million and had the opportunity to value and analyze multiple companies, skills she took to Citigroup following graduation
  • Fun fact – Roma is trilingual, speaking English, Ukrainian and Russian

How did you become interested in working as an investor?

I was always interested in how finance worked. I think that was the starting point – taking business courses, joining clubs and learning more about the world of investing. It was not something I knew much about growing up, so I wanted to learn and really understand it. After working at Citi and getting even more exposure to equity investing, I knew it was something I wanted to do.  

What role does entrepreneurship play in your career? 

I speak with company founders every day in my current role. I have a strong appreciation for entrepreneurs – their drive, work ethic and creativity. 

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

I decided to move to the west coast because I wanted to focus on technology in my career. All of my family and friends at the time were in the NY/CT area. I love living in SF and this move ended up leading to my current role. 

How did UConn prepare you for where you’re at today? UConn gave me the building blocks for a lot of the work I do today. The classes, especially accounting, were critical. SMF, UCG and other groups helped me prepare technically for a lot of work that I do. The UConn Alumni network has also been key. 

Tell us about your continued involvement with UConn. Why is it important to give back as a mentor? 

I really enjoy speaking with students and being available to give them advice, opportunity ideas or just listen. I participated in the Werth Mentoring program, am a mentor in the UConn Consulting Group and was an advisor for one of their recent projects. I also act as a mentor/advisory member for Hillside Ventures. I went to an insurtech conference for work and got to meet some UConn students in person – it was great to see them get this experiential learning! 

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why? 

Pitching at a client meeting – it was still very early on in my career, and I had the opportunity to travel with seniors and meet potential IPO clients in person. I was proud that my managers trusted to put me in front of the client.  

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Excel! (Just kidding that’s a joke). I am a big fan of videos and guides that teach you how to do things. Example (Ezra Okon – UConn alum) has YouTube videos on financial modeling that walk you through every step. Also, LinkedIn has been very important in my current role in building relationships with companies and founders.  

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

Cornell Stock pitch competition – we drove up to Boston. 

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Passionate about human rights/ESG improvement efforts/international relations. I am also a big fiction reader.