Meeting Info
Topic: Entrepreneurial Alumni Panel
Time: Oct 13, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Meet with a panel of alumni who have benefited from UConn's entrepreneurial programs
- Learn about opportunities and ways to get involved on campus
- Network and connect with other students interested in entrepreneurship & innovation
Meeting ID: 988 9262 9555
Passcode: werth
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Alumni Panelist

Kyle Fitzpatrick
Kyle graduated in 2010 and is currently cofounder & COO at The Feel Good Lab. His biggest take-away from entrepreneurial programs are people > everything. Making connections with like-minded individuals through these programs will provide compounding benefits to your career as you grow older.

Matthew Lombardo
Matt Lombardo is a Management and Engineering for Manufacturing class of 2020. He is currently a Starship Manufacturing/Launch Engineer at SpaceX and says he knows he would not be in this position if not for taking part of programs like HackUConn, Innovation Quest, and spending a whole lot of time in the LCIZ. He loves problem solving through trial and error and collaborating with others and says HackUConn was the perfect playground to do just that!
Student Moderators

Hannah Resnick
Hannah is a Junior at UConn studying Management and Communications. Hannah is always looking for opportunities to extend her leadership potential and become a better communicator. This past Summer, Hannah worked as a Werth Fellow to help develop the Werth Innovator Leadership Development program for the Peter J. Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UConn and now is a Marketing Intern for the Werth Institute. Along with that, Hannah is also the Marketing Lead for the campus event HackUConn and a producer at the campus television station UCTV. Earlier in the year, Hannah was also a Human Resources intern at the UConn Foundation.

Alexander Candow
Alex is a junior at UConn studying Management and Analytics with a concentration in Entrepreneurship. Over the summer, Alex worked as a Werth Fellow to help develop the Werth Innovator Leadership Program for the Peter J. Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In addition, Alex has helped build UConn's first student-managed venture fund, Hillside Ventures, through a partnership between UConn School of Business and The Werth Institute. Through his involvement in entrepreneurship at UConn and previous internships at startups, he is eager to continue his journey working with innovative people and ideas.