Meeting Notes
We reviewed our mission, how we operate, and revealed a new University Council website. The slide deck, meeting recording, and chat transcript is available now.
Zoom Meeting RecordingMeeting Slides
Earlier this week we gathered for a great session to review the University Council’s mission and how it operates. One of those ways is to have a common place (read: website!) for schools, ND college job seekers and employers to access the work of the council and employment resources in one centralized location. This website will go live early next week (while you are all focused on turkey and pumpkin pie) but be on the lookout for our email announcing it when you come up for air after the holiday!
For those who missed last week’s meeting, please click below to access the slide deck, meeting recording, and chat transcript - some great resources were shared!
As we look towards 2024, we will be addressing Career Readiness courses, supporting our nationwide Neuro-Inclusive Candidate Network (NCN), and take a deeper dive into how to work with and support this robust community.
Mark your calendar! We meet next on January 9th - invite coming soon!