Author: webdev

Saira A. Kazmi, Ph.D., ’03 (ENG)

Saira Kazmi Photo

Executive Director, Enterprise Data and Machine Learning Engineering, CVS Health

Saira Kazmi, Ph.D., is an Executive Director of Enterprise Data and Machine Learning Engineering at CVS Health. She brings over 18 years of experience in delivering advanced analytics capabilities into business workflows.

Saira loves working with complex data and enjoys designing and implementing solutions for problems associated with generating, storing, and analyzing large amounts of data. Saira has extensive technical and leadership expertise in delivering novel solutions for complex business problems from inception to production. Domains of experience include Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Healthcare, Insurance, Business Analytics, Text Search, Patent, and Intellectual Property Analytics. She advocates metadata best practices and establishes standards and business processes to enable high-quality data-driven metrics and insights.

She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science with a focus in Bioinformatics from the University of Connecticut and her post-doctoral training in Medical Informatics from Yale University.

Saira Kazmi is doing things WerthWatching:

  • A leader in working with complex data
  • Leading an engineering team that is delivering enterprise-scale data products and machine-learning platforms for one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States
  • Uses entrepreneurship to leverage her creativity

How did you become interested in engineering and data science?

From a young age, my father was a big inspiration for me, and I naturally followed in his footsteps in engineering. I knew that Mathematics and Computer Science enabled biologists, physicians, scientists, and researchers to solve complex problems related to life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. I wanted to learn more and participate so I started my academic journey in computer science and often collaborated with molecular biologists, chemists, physicians, and researchers. As I came closer to finishing my Ph.D., I became more interested in engineering applications and sought opportunities in the industry. I interned at a health insurance company with its enterprise information architecture team. As part of that program, I was exposed to fascinating high-impact work that applied Deep Learning to develop innovative products to augment clinical decisions in health management. I enjoyed the work and the pace and saw the real impact of my work. I also realized that my foundational cross-disciplinary research background translated well for solving many industry problems. This realization shifted the direction of my career into engineering applications of Data Science and Machine Learning Engineering.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Throughout my career, I have been very fortunate to participate in research and entrepreneurial projects that advance foundational science and leverage it in applications in the healthcare domain. Entrepreneurship allows innovative ideas to be used to improve the lives of people and better the human condition. It enables me to leverage my creativity and be motivated each day.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

I was on the path to an academic career with my doctorate program. I became increasingly interested in the engineering aspects of my work and signed up for an internship in the industry toward the end of my academic program. This financial and career risk could have impacted my chances of staying on the academic path. Looking back, it was one of my best decisions because it pushed me to learn, stretch myself further, and explore a better it in the longer term. I learned that it is always the right decision to propel your career in a direction that aligns with your interests and passion. It did not pay off in the short term, as I had to restart my career in the industry. It paid off in the long run, allowing me to stay passionate and interested in my work every day.

How did UConn prepare you for where you're at today?

UConn provided me with strong foundational knowledge and research opportunities that allowed me to be successful in the emerging field of Data Science and Computer Science. The internship opportunity that kicked of my career in the industry was obtained through the UConn career center and its established industry partnerships.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of and why?

I am very proud of where I am today, leading an engineering team that is delivering enterprise-scale data products and machine-learning platforms for one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States. I am particularly proud of the feedback from my team this year on my ability to cultivate the culture and environment that motivates them to deliver their best.

Tell us a little about your continued involvement with UConn. Why is it important to give back as a mentor?

I am participating in activities with the Werth Institute and find it to be a very rewarding experience. It also allows me to mentor and connect with students curious about the industry opportunities or seeking clarity on career alternatives and choices that align with their academic curriculum.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs?

Follow your interests and passion. Seek critical feedback and a growth mindset.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I leverage LinkedIn and Twitter and often follow industry leaders, researchers, and academicians. It usually allows me to think differently about problems I am solving daily. I also leverage free online courses and content to refresh my technical skills.

What's your favorite UConn memory?

One of my favorite memories at UConn was moving into the new Computer Science building. I had seen that building go up and anticipated the move for many years during its construction. when the building was ready, we were excited to be in the state-of-the-art computer science laboratories, classes, and offices.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I love to travel, bike, and cook with my family. I am also passionate about education and creating educational opportunities for other whenever possible.

Jack Tarca, ’22 (BUS Management)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder, Find The Good Brand/UConn Entreprenuer in Residence

Get to know Jack Tarca, the Werth Institute's new Entreprenuer in Residence with Championship Labs.

What do you do now and how did you get where you are?

I am pursuing my mission driven apparel brand full-time, while becoming the first Entrepreneur in Residence at the Werth Institute here at UConn. I was able to achieve success with my company while a student at UConn, using the resources, network, and knowledge found all throughout UConn’s ecosystem. Most important, I never stopped putting ideas into action.

What do you find most fulfilling about your job?

Seeing an idea go from idea to reality. Whether it’s a physical piece of apparel that we’re developing, an inspiring post about well-being, or a new e-commerce strategy we’re implementing, taking something in your head and proving its success in the real world never gets old.

How do you help your organization use business to have a positive impact on the world?

We aim for our business to positively impact anyone who’s engaging with our brand. Whether it’s through our content or purchasing a product, we want to add value to everyone who hears about our business. We’re in the business of helping people live happier and healthier lives. We do this through spreading our mantra of “finding the good”. These three simple words have been proven to have a positive impact on thousands of people’s lives. From spilling your morning coffee, to making it through months of rehabilitation for a mental disease, our community has told us that these three simple words were the reason they were able to get through the day.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I recommend “Notion”, it’s a project management and note-taking application. You can use it for personal use or at a business level. It’s user friendly, organized, but also has the ability to be customized as you see fit. I use it for storing brand assets, writing all sorts of copy, calendars, and collecting inspiration via photos and links. It does it all, without being overwhelming.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

In my two months after graduating, I’m still adjusting to working full-time and not having any assignments due at 11:59pm on Husky CT. In this short time, I’ve learned that I have new goals for the first time in four years. Throughout college my main goals were graduating, landing a job, and building a brand. It’s interesting to have to re-evaluate goals that have been set for so long, but also exciting to take on new challenges. Every milestone I’ve hit post-graduation has also meant creating a new one, which is sometimes more difficult than achieving the milestone itself. The lesson here is to always be ready for what’s next.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

Done is better than perfect.

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn was invaluable. I gained confidence to pursue my ideas that hadn’t been proven yet, as well as the perseverance and resources to see them through to reality. UConn for me was a place to test ideas and fail, knowing that there were resources available to help me learn from my mistakes was crucial as I began my entrepreneurial journey.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m passionate about the ocean. I try to spend as much time on the water as I do on land. From fishing, to boating, to surfing, you can find me on the water when I’m not working. At Find The Good Brand we talk about finding your “spot”, it’s like a happy place you go to, to practice mindfulness. The ocean is my favorite “spot”.

What's next?

Next, I’ll be heading back to UConn to build resources for student athletes and social media influencers to help grow accessibility in entrepreneurship at UConn. The world of college athletics has been changed forever and I’m excited to be at the forefront of such an impactful movement for NIL.  I will also continue to build Find The Good Brand, when I’m not busy helping students at UConn pursue their passions.

Leah Oppenheimer ‘12 (CLAS/IMJR)

Leah Oppenheimer

MBA Associate, SWAT Equity Partners

Leah is currently an MBA candidate at Columbia Business School (CBS) and MBA associate at SWAT Equity Partners, a venture capital firm for emerging entrepreneurial consumer brands. Prior to starting at CBS, she was a summer associate at LDV Capital and an investment associate at Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs (Techstars). Previously, she spent three years running platform and marketing for UpRamp, the industry accelerator/CVC for the connectivity industry (backed by Comcast, Charter, Cox and 60 others), and worked in business development for boutique consultancies in London. 

Leah Oppenheimer is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Focused on the human side of deep technology, and the impacts that entrepreneurs have on our everyday lives
  • As a summer associate, researched how visual technology is being deployed across the agriculture and food industries to have notable impacts on the global food supply
  • Graduated from the University of Cambridge with a MPhil in Education, and lived in London for three years working at several boutique consultancies in business development and thought leadership

What got you interested in working with startups/venture capital (VC)?

I actually got into VC by accident. I was contacted by a recruiter for an operating role at an accelerator in the video/broadband industry and learned about VC through that job - I had never heard of it before that! Since then, I’ve come to love the passion that early-stage founders have and how the job allows me to spend my day being curious and asking questions.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

I’m always really impressed by founders who worked in an industry, saw something missing, and decided to fix it - their nuanced understanding of the space, whether shown in unit economics and pricing or sales strategy - is so impressive to watch.

How did UConn prepare you for where you’re at today? 

UConn gave me the freedom to conduct research on an area of interest to me (the sociology of education as it relates to war-torn societies). I don’t work in that space anymore, but the freedom given to me allowed me to carve my own path in the following years, leading me to where I am today.

What’s your favorite UConn memory? 

Walking around campus on the weekend in the fall! I love autumn in New England. Also study abroad - I had the fortune of going abroad twice (Granada and Maastrict) and loved both experiences.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs? 

Invest time into getting to know yourself and those around you - a strong network is important, but that starts with understanding your own strengths and desires and leaning into those!

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why? 

Probably getting into Columbia Business School - it’s one of the few moments when it’s been very obvious to me how much effort and energy I put into something and seeing it all pay off in a calculated way.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why? 

Make yourself a good to-do list in any form that works for you - whether that’s Inbox Zero or a piece of paper. Especially in entrepreneurship, where you’re juggling so many balls, it becomes easier and easier to drop them - figure out a way that works for you that keeps that from happening.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I love houseplants and have dozens of them. I’m also a big fan of technical driving roads - I recently did a really fun road trip along the coast of Italy!

Dean Mahoney ‘09 (BUS)

Dean Mahoney

Founder & CEO, ‘Merican Mule

When Dean Mahoney and friends Pete Weil and Steve Pawlik saw people drinking Moscow mules in a Santa Monica bar, and found that liquor stores didn’t sell them pre-made, they realized they had an opportunity to create something new. By cashing out their savings, 401K’s and finding any spare change to contribute, they embarked on a mission, to build the brand from the ground up. Their mission: to deliver premium quality and ultimate convenience with the hottest cocktail on the market. After crafting the original beverage, Dean returned to the East Coast to spearhead distribution. He got a big break at the end of 2017, when a major liquor distributor agreed to add the company as a client. In 2019, the team launched their Mexican Style Mule with tequila, ginger and lime, as well as their Tropical Style Mule with rum, ginger and pineapple, as well as seasonal varieties.

Dean Mahoney is doing things WerthWatching:

  • ‘Merican Mule, based in South Norwalk, CT made its beverage debut with its reinvention of the popular Moscow mule cocktail.
  • The company has joined with the Bishop Family, founders of both the SoBe beverage company, which grew to a $220 million firm in just four years, and Blue Buffalo pet food, which became a $1 billion business. In addition to their role as investors, the family will advise and help guide ‘Merican Mule’s growth and brand-awareness strategy.
  • Dean is a mentor with the School of Business’ Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, has hired Huskies for marketing and sales positions, and is considering starting an internship program.

How is ‘Merican Mule changing the canned cocktail industry?

As a cocktail, the Moscow mule, made traditionally with vodka, ginger bee, and lime, has consistently ranked as a top searched cocktail on Google for many years.  You can’t miss the copper mug vessels at your local gastropub. ‘Merican Mule has been served as an upper echelon option for customers, crafted with in a variety of styles with premium spirits.  

Having founded the company in 2015, the brand is now viewed by many as one of the original canned cocktails to pave the way for the space. We continue to evolve every day and stive to provide the best in quality, taste, and experience. 

In comparison to the competition, ‘Merican Mule is the first to focus on delivering a slew of mules for both lovers of the cocktail and first-timers, using its proprietary ginger base. They are commonly described as balanced, smooth and refreshing. We make “Mules for the Masses,” including a Moscow mule with vodka, a Mexican Mule with tequila, a Tropical Mule with rum and pineapple and a Southern Mule with bourbon whiskey, as well as our seasonal Pumpkin Mule with vodka. No matter the customers' preference in liquor type and flavor profile, there is something for everyone. 

This year we launched a Mule Variety 8 Pack – the first canned cocktail to do so with four different liquor bases in one package, a huge point of differentiation versus seltzers and other canned cocktails that use the same liquor in their variety packs.

Where do you see yourself and the company in the next year?

The company expects to grow exponentially, outperforming growth numbers for the canned cocktail industry, as it has since inception.  As more individuals try the liquid, they become lifelong supporters of a brand that delivers a superior and highly differentiated taste and continue to spread ‘Merican Mule via word of mouth.  In 2021, we had exciting announcements to share including the expanded availability of our products in upwards of nearly 20 states.  We will also announce brand new Mules dropping early in the year, to further evolve our customer reach. The goal is to continue to make ‘Merican Mule a household name in each market that we are sold. 

How did UConn prepare you for your entrepreneurial path? 

UConn was a special place both socially and academically during my time.  Some of my best friends came out of my time during school, friends that have been at my wedding and continue to be meaningful people that have truly supported my entrepreneurial endeavors.

It’s so important to learn from your relationships and apply your personal experiences to how you approach building a business. It’s also important to have trustworthy outlets that you can rely on to share ideas and test the waters on whether an idea is worth pursuing. In terms of academics, the UConn School of Business provided a nice portfolio of core tools from finance to marketing, but even more interestingly, courses such as real estate and business law have helped when evaluating leasing office space or negotiating contracts.  

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

Hard to pick a favorite but rushing the court (and field) after some UConn basketball and football wins is a top contender.  Just seeing the enjoyment of all my fellow Huskies coming together when victorious is something that lasts for a short period of time, but the rush is incredible.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

Growing up, my family, including my parents and my brother, really pushed me.  They are so talented in each of their own ways and I wanted to prove that I could do something that could make an impact on the world.  Building an alcohol brand has so many benefits, from job creation to providing enjoyment in people’s lives.  Today, I am married myself, with an amazing wife, a 2-year-old, and a daughter on the way.  My inspiration has definitely shifted to continuing to learn so that I can be a role model for my kids and help them understand that they too can make an impact on the world if they work for it.

Describe a time you took a risk. Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

In 2015, ‘Merican Mule started as a hobby after drinks at the bar.  Eventually as the brand continued to grow, the demands became greater and greater.  It required more focus and attention to make sure it was successful.  

The risk of leaving a stable corporate job to pursue a business that was started on the back of a napkin will likely be one of the greatest risks of my life.  When speaking with aspirational entrepreneurs, I think this is a question that comes up often.  When is the right time?  

I believe that everyone had their own journey and that the answer will find them in time and determination. You need to be able to invest your full self to what you are building to give it the greatest chance for success. 

Did my risk pay off? I am learning more about business and frankly life than I ever could have imagined.  The opportunities, challenges and memories will forever change my perspective.

You recently hosted a dinner for students involved in the Stamford Startup Studio (S3) program. What advice do you have for today’s students or aspiring entrepreneurs? 

You might have heard of this thing called the 80/20 rule, which universally applies in many situations in life and business. When it comes to entrepreneurism, I find this rule to be of great importance. Many try to get a product or idea to 100% completion before a launch; however, I find it smarter to get to 80% completion. The reality is that you will learn a lot from your customers; finding out what they like and don’t like. This focuses your attention to tweak and make changes to your approach.  Anyone can have an idea, but entrepreneurs act on them.  

Do you have a professional moment you are most proud of and why? 

I’ve had a few that I am most proud of.  Anytime that I hire someone and end up learning something from that hire that I didn’t know before, it’s a proud moment.  You go into managing people thinking that you need to teach them everything.  In reality, your people learn your mission, they can teach you more than you can teach them. I think inspiring my own team and helping them realize what they’re capable of has been the most rewarding part of building a brand, and culture.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why? 

I’m all about the School of Google.  You can basically learn anything you want, just use the internet.  It’s going to come down to your motivation to pursue what you’re truly passionate about.

Roma Romaniv, ’17 (BUS)

Roma Romaniv

Associate, Summit Partners 

Roma is an investor at Summit Partners focused primarily on the technology sector. Her investment experience includes CoderPad. Prior to Summit, Roma worked at Citigroup, most recently in the technology investment banking team and previously as an equity capital markets analyst.

Roma holds a BS in finance and a BA in human rights, summa cum laude, from the University of Connecticut.

Roma Romaniv is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Roma is a rock star mentor, giving back to the UConn Consulting Group, of which she is an alumna, and Hillside Ventures
  • As a senior, Roma served as a manager with the Student Managed Fund where she oversaw a fund of over $2 million and had the opportunity to value and analyze multiple companies, skills she took to Citigroup following graduation
  • Fun fact – Roma is trilingual, speaking English, Ukrainian and Russian

How did you become interested in working as an investor?

I was always interested in how finance worked. I think that was the starting point – taking business courses, joining clubs and learning more about the world of investing. It was not something I knew much about growing up, so I wanted to learn and really understand it. After working at Citi and getting even more exposure to equity investing, I knew it was something I wanted to do.  

What role does entrepreneurship play in your career? 

I speak with company founders every day in my current role. I have a strong appreciation for entrepreneurs – their drive, work ethic and creativity. 

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

I decided to move to the west coast because I wanted to focus on technology in my career. All of my family and friends at the time were in the NY/CT area. I love living in SF and this move ended up leading to my current role. 

How did UConn prepare you for where you’re at today? UConn gave me the building blocks for a lot of the work I do today. The classes, especially accounting, were critical. SMF, UCG and other groups helped me prepare technically for a lot of work that I do. The UConn Alumni network has also been key. 

Tell us about your continued involvement with UConn. Why is it important to give back as a mentor? 

I really enjoy speaking with students and being available to give them advice, opportunity ideas or just listen. I participated in the Werth Mentoring program, am a mentor in the UConn Consulting Group and was an advisor for one of their recent projects. I also act as a mentor/advisory member for Hillside Ventures. I went to an insurtech conference for work and got to meet some UConn students in person – it was great to see them get this experiential learning! 

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why? 

Pitching at a client meeting – it was still very early on in my career, and I had the opportunity to travel with seniors and meet potential IPO clients in person. I was proud that my managers trusted to put me in front of the client.  

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Excel! (Just kidding that’s a joke). I am a big fan of videos and guides that teach you how to do things. Example (Ezra Okon – UConn alum) has YouTube videos on financial modeling that walk you through every step. Also, LinkedIn has been very important in my current role in building relationships with companies and founders.  

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

Cornell Stock pitch competition – we drove up to Boston. 

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Passionate about human rights/ESG improvement efforts/international relations. I am also a big fiction reader. 

Jack Tarca, ’22 (BUS Management)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder, Find The Good Brand/UConn Entreprenuer in Residence

Get to know Jack Tarca, the Werth Institute's new Entreprenuer in Residence with Championship Labs.

What do you do now and how did you get where you are?

I am pursuing my mission driven apparel brand full-time, while becoming the first Entrepreneur in Residence at the Werth Institute here at UConn. I was able to achieve success with my company while a student at UConn, using the resources, network, and knowledge found all throughout UConn’s ecosystem. Most important, I never stopped putting ideas into action.

What do you find most fulfilling about your job?

Seeing an idea go from idea to reality. Whether it’s a physical piece of apparel that we’re developing, an inspiring post about well-being, or a new e-commerce strategy we’re implementing, taking something in your head and proving its success in the real world never gets old.

How do you help your organization use business to have a positive impact on the world?

We aim for our business to positively impact anyone who’s engaging with our brand. Whether it’s through our content or purchasing a product, we want to add value to everyone who hears about our business. We’re in the business of helping people live happier and healthier lives. We do this through spreading our mantra of “finding the good”. These three simple words have been proven to have a positive impact on thousands of people’s lives. From spilling your morning coffee, to making it through months of rehabilitation for a mental disease, our community has told us that these three simple words were the reason they were able to get through the day.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I recommend “Notion”, it’s a project management and note-taking application. You can use it for personal use or at a business level. It’s user friendly, organized, but also has the ability to be customized as you see fit. I use it for storing brand assets, writing all sorts of copy, calendars, and collecting inspiration via photos and links. It does it all, without being overwhelming.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

In my two months after graduating, I’m still adjusting to working full-time and not having any assignments due at 11:59pm on Husky CT. In this short time, I’ve learned that I have new goals for the first time in four years. Throughout college my main goals were graduating, landing a job, and building a brand. It’s interesting to have to re-evaluate goals that have been set for so long, but also exciting to take on new challenges. Every milestone I’ve hit post-graduation has also meant creating a new one, which is sometimes more difficult than achieving the milestone itself. The lesson here is to always be ready for what’s next.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

Done is better than perfect.

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn was invaluable. I gained confidence to pursue my ideas that hadn’t been proven yet, as well as the perseverance and resources to see them through to reality. UConn for me was a place to test ideas and fail, knowing that there were resources available to help me learn from my mistakes was crucial as I began my entrepreneurial journey.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m passionate about the ocean. I try to spend as much time on the water as I do on land. From fishing, to boating, to surfing, you can find me on the water when I’m not working. At Find The Good Brand we talk about finding your “spot”, it’s like a happy place you go to, to practice mindfulness. The ocean is my favorite “spot”.

What's next?

Next, I’ll be heading back to UConn to build resources for student athletes and social media influencers to help grow accessibility in entrepreneurship at UConn. The world of college athletics has been changed forever and I’m excited to be at the forefront of such an impactful movement for NIL.  I will also continue to build Find The Good Brand, when I’m not busy helping students at UConn pursue their passions.

Lorin Dixon, ’11 (CLAS)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder and CEO, ZaveryCakes

Get to know Lorin Dixon, an Advisory Board member with Championship Labs.

Tell us about ZaveryCakes. How did the idea come about?

ZaveryCakes is a pop culture bakeware brand, providing a connection to pop culture through our detailed character food molds designed to look exactly like your favorite pop culture icon, sports teams, tv show, and movie character. Providing tangible ways to bring your fandom to your kitchen table. Our mission is to turn boring food into something you actually love. Our molds are easy to use, no mess, and give a new meaning to being able to play with your food. Our differentiation is the versatility of our food molds, you can make pancakes, eggs, pizzas, mini cakes, brownies, bread and so much more. We know that everyone is a fan of something, and we have something for everyone.

How did you become interested in entrepreneurship?

I have always considered myself an entrepreneur. As an athlete the minute I picked up a basketball and decided this is what I wanted to do I started creating a brand and unbeknownst became an entrepreneur. That brand was me, so all of the accolades I received in Highschool, becoming a McDonald All-American, and going to UConn was me being an entrepreneur building out my brand and forming a community of invested people around that brand. In this NIL era, student-athletes have the ability to monetize their brand and leverage their platform at the collegiate level. All of the hard work that athletes put into what they love to do and leveraging a personal brand that companies want to partner with makes these athletes entrepreneurs.

How did your experience as a member of the National Championship-winning UConn Women’s Basketball team prepare you for a career in entrepreneurship?

I am a true believer in how you do one thing is how you do everything. From a young age, I understood the importance of hard work, discipline, and consistency especially when no one is watching. Those are the moments when champions are made. I continue to use that same mentality in business. The success I’ve had with my company ZaveryCakes can be traced to that mentality that I carry with me every day.

With NIL initiatives taking off, what advice do you have for student-athletes in this new era of business opportunities?

In this new era of NIL initiatives, I would tell student-athletes to take full advantage of this opportunity. The best time to build a brand or start a business is always now. It takes time to build out and grow a business but as student-athletes, you have the platform and leverage to build a large community and following very quickly around your brand or business.

What role do you see former Husky athletes and entrepreneurs like yourself and resources like the Werth Institute having in the NIL era?

In this NIL era, the role of former Husky athletes and entrepreneurs and the resources like the Werth Institute can demystify the concepts of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Teaching and leading this new generation of student-athletes to show them that it is not only doable but beneficial for them to merge their platforms of student-athletes and entrepreneurship to secure and build a better future for themselves.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

The biggest risk I have ever taken was becoming an entrepreneur and deciding to start ZaveryCakes and that decision has been amazingly paying itself off ever since I trusted myself to take that step. When I started, I did not know anything about business, manufacturing, wholesale, or any of the other lessons that I had to learn along the way. Through that discipline, hard work, consistency, and most importantly through the belief that I have in myself, I‘ve learned that I can do anything, and I am just getting starting.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why?

I am blessed that I have had so many amazing professional moments in my life. Whether that was during my professional career as a basketball player where I had the opportunity to play in the WNBA, Overseas, and for the Jamaican Olympic basketball team, or as the CEO & founder of ZaveryCakes where we have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. From our amazing licensing partnerships to our retail partnerships, to our expanding product line, and the accomplishment of graduating from the Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women program.

The moment I am most proud of was our successful Kickstarter campaign. Before that moment I decided to start a company outside of sports or anything that I have previously known. I created our first three original characters from my own imagination and put them out in the world to see if it was even something the market wanted. ZaveryCakes surpassed its goal and we haven't looked back ever since.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend for entrepreneurs, and why?

For entrepreneurs with new businesses, my advice is to keep your overhead as low as possible while surrounding yourself with a good team. No one person can be the best at or do everything. Hiring experts in fields that you are not an expert in, will allow you to grow faster and accomplish more. The best way to do this when starting out is to hire freelancers. There are many sites that allow you to do this while keeping your cost low.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I have had some amazing memories at UConn. Some great memories were playing in front of the amazing crowd at Gampel, breaking the 89-0 record, winning two national championships, and visiting President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama at the white house. My favorite UConn memory though was graduating. I was the first person in my family to graduate from college and fulfilling a goal I set for myself when I was younger was a very special moment and memory for me.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

My passion is continuously learning and trying new experiences and endeavors. I recently picked up golfing, I love it and the goal is to become really good at it. Becoming a wine connoisseur is a goal of mine, I am currently learning the process of how wine is made, and I hope to open my own vineyard one day. I am most passionate about my son, with any free time that I have, I spend it with him. There is no job in the world more important to me than being the best mom that I can be. Going through this process and creating a legacy for him is everything.


To explore the ZaveryCakes collection and order online, visit their website here.

Jaden Brodeur, ’20 (BUS)

Jaden Brodeur Photo

Founder, Luma

Jaden Brodeur has always been passionate for meaningful innovation designed to address big problems. At an early age, he took an interest in the concept of eliminating plastic-bottled water, fully convinced his adulthood should be free of single-use plastic bottles. He is co-founder of Luma, a sustainability company with a hyperfocus on hydration. Luma is building the first hydration unit to simultaneously combine UV-C light with optional filtration via activated Carbon. UV-C light is used to eradicate bacteria from the unit’s water contents and its interior surface, meaning regular cleaning is not required. Activated Carbon is used to treat water for other pollutants that UV-C light does not account for. In doing this, Luma is offering a unit that matches the water purity of bottled water while eliminating maintenance of the unit itself.

Jaden Brodeur is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Fulfilling his longtime dream of innovating the water bottle industry.
  • Recently participated in CCEI's Summer Fellowship program.
  • “I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my
    mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier”

Tell us about Luma and how it came to be.

Going into my 2nd semester of junior year at UConn, I found a venture investing platform that I would be interning for in the summer, where I would be doing venture scouting. I wanted to come in prepared, so I started early making a list of young startups that I could reach out to when beginning my internship. I was browsing Kickstarter to find companies early in their development, and I came across a campaign for a product called Luma Bottle. I was blown away, because I had been fascinated by the idea of innovating the water bottle industry since I was a freshman in high school, and Luma Bottle was everything I’d been fantasizing about. It was the first company I put on my list, and then the first company I scheduled a call with when starting my internship.

When I got on that call, I was blown away to learn that it was a project led by another student my age across the country at BYU. There was no product, no capital, and no real team other than some friends of Willy’s at BYU helping out. We got to know each other well over the course of the next year and a half, touching base regularly as Willy worked towards getting the product concept built. In March of 2021, we were catching up after not speaking for a few months. He filled me in on what was going on. He was able to finally develop the product and fulfill pre-orders, but there was no direction after that. There was no capital, low inventory of a product that still needed work, nobody else working on it, and no clear path forward. Willy was also still finishing up school and working full time at a company in Utah.

I encouraged Willy to keep pushing forward, and helped put together a plan to raise capital, fund product improvements, build out a brand strategy, etc. It was clear that Willy and I had opposite skillsets, and we decided to team up and start a company. Less than 5 months later, we formed Luma Hydration Inc and closed our first investment of $75,000.

How is Luma using business to make a positive impact on the world?

Luma is a mission driven company dedicated to eliminating the use of plastic-packaged water. We’re combining meaningful innovation, premium quality, and impeccable design to build a sustainable hydration experience that’s healthier for our bodies and healthier for our planet.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Entrepreneurship and innovation are important to me for more reasons to count, but I think the most important thing is that it gives me the opportunity to operate with complete creative freedom, which is what makes me happy. I feel fulfilled and feel like there’s nothing holding me back from reaching my full potential.

What did you learn from your experience at UConn that has helped you most in your career?

My time at UConn was an invaluable self-discovery experience. I learned more about myself in my 4 years at UConn than I could have ever imagined. I gained a better understanding of what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. I think I became much more self-aware.

Were there any connections that you made at UConn through the Werth Institute (staff, alumni, faculty, peers, etc.) that helped you beyond graduating?

I’ve made sure to stay well connected with David Noble. He was the one professor I had at UConn that truly inspired me, that I looked up to and admired.

I had also met Ryan Gresh (Class of 2009) during my time at UConn. He’s become someone I consider to be a great friend, and an incredible mentor. No matter what it is I’m going through, he’s someone I know I can always lean on for advice and has been guiding me through my entrepreneurial journey since day 1.

Are you still connected with UConn in any way and if yes, how so (college friends, mentoring current students, football games, etc.)?

Yes! My friends from UConn remain some of my closest friends and being a die-hard UConn basketball fan since my earliest memories, I attend as many home games as I can. I’m also participating in UConn’s summer fellowship program with CCEI.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Twitter! I can’t advocate enough for young professionals to use the platform more. To me, it’s a more authentic LinkedIn. I’ve built relationships with countless mentors, investors, founders, etc. from Twitter.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

When you leave college and step out into the “real-world,” the “guardrails” that have been in place since we were born suddenly disappear. It can be both intimidating and exciting. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. The biggest lesson I learned was to take advantage of that feeling.

I think a lot of people find themselves getting into jobs and careers that don’t really excite them, but it’s just what they feel like they’re “supposed” to do. I’ve learned to dismiss the status-quo and to do what makes me happy. We have limited time, and I don’t want to waste it.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

"Do what makes you happy".

It kind of builds off the lesson I just mentioned above, but I think it’s super important and it’s always on my mind. Finding happiness is the ultimate goal, and happiness looks different for everyone. For me, I like to create things. I like to make my own decisions, I like to think big, I like to live and work without someone telling me what I can and can’t do. Nobody wants to live with regrets, and I feel like I’m living regret-free, because I’m doing what makes me happy. Out of college, I had a great job in the city I wanted to live in my whole life, making great money, working with people I liked, but I didn’t truly feel happy because I felt like I was limited in what I was allowed to do. I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier. I’m young and can afford to take big risks. If things didn’t work out, I’d at least be doing what I loved. Fortunately, things have gone well 🙂

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn meant so much to me. I grew tremendously as a person, I learned about myself, I built both friendships and professional relationships that will last me a lifetime, and I had as much fun as I ever could have hoped for. I take extreme pride in UConn and hope to remain involved with the university in some way throughout my life.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Golf, football, and UConn basketball!

What is next for you?

Fully focused on scaling Luma with the hope of one day building a generational company.

Justin Lee, ’15 (BUS)

Justin Lee

Senior Associate, Palladin Consumer Retail Partners

WerthWatching is an extension of Justin’s vision as a Business student at UConn. In 2014, Justin founded the UConn Consulting Group (UCG), a strategy consulting group bringing together top students with alumni who attended elite business schools and consulting firms. UCG was founded on the belief that given the resources and training, UConn students can compete and land jobs at top companies around the world.

Justin Lee is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Implemented “Strategic Consulting” minor as part of undergraduate curriculum
  • Expertise in consumer-focused buyouts and growth equity investing
  • Leading Werth Institute’s efforts to help students on non- traditional career paths

Why did you choose to work for your employer and how has the experience been?

When I was leaving investment banking, I knew I wanted to go into private equity. PE was attractive to me because you are the principle on the transaction and are truly partnering with the founders or management teams. This alignment of interests and ability to have a true impact on companies sounded exciting. Palladin had a long-standing track record of investing in consumer businesses while operating with a lean team which meant I’d be getting a lot of experience in a sector that has been experiencing dramatic changes.

How did UConn prepare you for the field you are in today?

UConn gave me a good general business background that has been built upon through work experience. While academics are important, UConn also provided a great social setting whether it be on-campus, sporting or other events. Many people believe that a 4.0 GPA will result in an “easy” job search but interviewers are increasingly looking for people they like and can work long hours with.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I look back on my UConn experience very favorably so it’s hard to narrow it down to one. Two immediately come to mind:

  • 2014 Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships
  • Delivering the final presentation for our first project as the UConn Consulting Group; this really solidified the legitimacy of something that I spent a lot of time pursuing

What advice do you have for today’s students or aspiring entrepreneurs?

Be proactive. Nobody is going to hand you the job you want just because you have a good GPA and went to UConn. You need to do more – join clubs, network and utilize the resources around you.

What’s next for you?

While I can’t speak in specifics, my company is at a pretty pivotal time in its lifecycle and there are a few large initiatives that should come to fruition over the next 6-12 months. I’m also excited to be working with the Werth Institute to enhance outcomes for students interested in non-traditional career paths. As someone who had to jump through a lot of hoops, I’m hoping we can make it a bit easier for the next generation of UConn students.

Do you have any personal or professional goals you’d like to reach?

I don’t set specific goals such as obtain “X” job title or anything like that – at least not anymore. I like to stay flexible and setting goals sometimes inhibits your ability to think outside the box and be creative. Goal setting works in moderation. To answer the question - I want to gain more experience in my current field and see where it takes me.

What’s your favorite podcast at the moment?

Given the shift to work-from-home over the last year, I have unfortunately significantly cut down on my podcasts. My favorites to listen to on my commute were The Joe Rogan Experience, Stuff You Should Know and How I Built This.

Thomas Bachant, ’13 (ENG)

Jaden Brodeur Photo

Founder, Luma

Jaden Brodeur has always been passionate for meaningful innovation designed to address big problems. At an early age, he took an interest in the concept of eliminating plastic-bottled water, fully convinced his adulthood should be free of single-use plastic bottles. He is co-founder of Luma, a sustainability company with a hyperfocus on hydration. Luma is building the first hydration unit to simultaneously combine UV-C light with optional filtration via activated Carbon. UV-C light is used to eradicate bacteria from the unit’s water contents and its interior surface, meaning regular cleaning is not required. Activated Carbon is used to treat water for other pollutants that UV-C light does not account for. In doing this, Luma is offering a unit that matches the water purity of bottled water while eliminating maintenance of the unit itself.

Jaden Brodeur is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Fulfilling his longtime dream of innovating the water bottle industry.
  • Recently participated in CCEI's Summer Fellowship program.
  • “I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my
    mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier”

Tell us about Luma and how it came to be.

Going into my 2nd semester of junior year at UConn, I found a venture investing platform that I would be interning for in the summer, where I would be doing venture scouting. I wanted to come in prepared, so I started early making a list of young startups that I could reach out to when beginning my internship. I was browsing Kickstarter to find companies early in their development, and I came across a campaign for a product called Luma Bottle. I was blown away, because I had been fascinated by the idea of innovating the water bottle industry since I was a freshman in high school, and Luma Bottle was everything I’d been fantasizing about. It was the first company I put on my list, and then the first company I scheduled a call with when starting my internship.

When I got on that call, I was blown away to learn that it was a project led by another student my age across the country at BYU. There was no product, no capital, and no real team other than some friends of Willy’s at BYU helping out. We got to know each other well over the course of the next year and a half, touching base regularly as Willy worked towards getting the product concept built. In March of 2021, we were catching up after not speaking for a few months. He filled me in on what was going on. He was able to finally develop the product and fulfill pre-orders, but there was no direction after that. There was no capital, low inventory of a product that still needed work, nobody else working on it, and no clear path forward. Willy was also still finishing up school and working full time at a company in Utah.

I encouraged Willy to keep pushing forward, and helped put together a plan to raise capital, fund product improvements, build out a brand strategy, etc. It was clear that Willy and I had opposite skillsets, and we decided to team up and start a company. Less than 5 months later, we formed Luma Hydration Inc and closed our first investment of $75,000.

How is Luma using business to make a positive impact on the world?

Luma is a mission driven company dedicated to eliminating the use of plastic-packaged water. We’re combining meaningful innovation, premium quality, and impeccable design to build a sustainable hydration experience that’s healthier for our bodies and healthier for our planet.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Entrepreneurship and innovation are important to me for more reasons to count, but I think the most important thing is that it gives me the opportunity to operate with complete creative freedom, which is what makes me happy. I feel fulfilled and feel like there’s nothing holding me back from reaching my full potential.

What did you learn from your experience at UConn that has helped you most in your career?

My time at UConn was an invaluable self-discovery experience. I learned more about myself in my 4 years at UConn than I could have ever imagined. I gained a better understanding of what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. I think I became much more self-aware.

Were there any connections that you made at UConn through the Werth Institute (staff, alumni, faculty, peers, etc.) that helped you beyond graduating?

I’ve made sure to stay well connected with David Noble. He was the one professor I had at UConn that truly inspired me, that I looked up to and admired.

I had also met Ryan Gresh (Class of 2009) during my time at UConn. He’s become someone I consider to be a great friend, and an incredible mentor. No matter what it is I’m going through, he’s someone I know I can always lean on for advice and has been guiding me through my entrepreneurial journey since day 1.

Are you still connected with UConn in any way and if yes, how so (college friends, mentoring current students, football games, etc.)?

Yes! My friends from UConn remain some of my closest friends and being a die-hard UConn basketball fan since my earliest memories, I attend as many home games as I can. I’m also participating in UConn’s summer fellowship program with CCEI.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Twitter! I can’t advocate enough for young professionals to use the platform more. To me, it’s a more authentic LinkedIn. I’ve built relationships with countless mentors, investors, founders, etc. from Twitter.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

When you leave college and step out into the “real-world,” the “guardrails” that have been in place since we were born suddenly disappear. It can be both intimidating and exciting. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. The biggest lesson I learned was to take advantage of that feeling.

I think a lot of people find themselves getting into jobs and careers that don’t really excite them, but it’s just what they feel like they’re “supposed” to do. I’ve learned to dismiss the status-quo and to do what makes me happy. We have limited time, and I don’t want to waste it.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

"Do what makes you happy".

It kind of builds off the lesson I just mentioned above, but I think it’s super important and it’s always on my mind. Finding happiness is the ultimate goal, and happiness looks different for everyone. For me, I like to create things. I like to make my own decisions, I like to think big, I like to live and work without someone telling me what I can and can’t do. Nobody wants to live with regrets, and I feel like I’m living regret-free, because I’m doing what makes me happy. Out of college, I had a great job in the city I wanted to live in my whole life, making great money, working with people I liked, but I didn’t truly feel happy because I felt like I was limited in what I was allowed to do. I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier. I’m young and can afford to take big risks. If things didn’t work out, I’d at least be doing what I loved. Fortunately, things have gone well 🙂

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn meant so much to me. I grew tremendously as a person, I learned about myself, I built both friendships and professional relationships that will last me a lifetime, and I had as much fun as I ever could have hoped for. I take extreme pride in UConn and hope to remain involved with the university in some way throughout my life.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Golf, football, and UConn basketball!

What is next for you?

Fully focused on scaling Luma with the hope of one day building a generational company.