
Jack Tarca, ’22 (BUS Management)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder, Find The Good Brand/UConn Entreprenuer in Residence

Get to know Jack Tarca, the Werth Institute's new Entreprenuer in Residence with Championship Labs.

What do you do now and how did you get where you are?

I am pursuing my mission driven apparel brand full-time, while becoming the first Entrepreneur in Residence at the Werth Institute here at UConn. I was able to achieve success with my company while a student at UConn, using the resources, network, and knowledge found all throughout UConn’s ecosystem. Most important, I never stopped putting ideas into action.

What do you find most fulfilling about your job?

Seeing an idea go from idea to reality. Whether it’s a physical piece of apparel that we’re developing, an inspiring post about well-being, or a new e-commerce strategy we’re implementing, taking something in your head and proving its success in the real world never gets old.

How do you help your organization use business to have a positive impact on the world?

We aim for our business to positively impact anyone who’s engaging with our brand. Whether it’s through our content or purchasing a product, we want to add value to everyone who hears about our business. We’re in the business of helping people live happier and healthier lives. We do this through spreading our mantra of “finding the good”. These three simple words have been proven to have a positive impact on thousands of people’s lives. From spilling your morning coffee, to making it through months of rehabilitation for a mental disease, our community has told us that these three simple words were the reason they were able to get through the day.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I recommend “Notion”, it’s a project management and note-taking application. You can use it for personal use or at a business level. It’s user friendly, organized, but also has the ability to be customized as you see fit. I use it for storing brand assets, writing all sorts of copy, calendars, and collecting inspiration via photos and links. It does it all, without being overwhelming.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

In my two months after graduating, I’m still adjusting to working full-time and not having any assignments due at 11:59pm on Husky CT. In this short time, I’ve learned that I have new goals for the first time in four years. Throughout college my main goals were graduating, landing a job, and building a brand. It’s interesting to have to re-evaluate goals that have been set for so long, but also exciting to take on new challenges. Every milestone I’ve hit post-graduation has also meant creating a new one, which is sometimes more difficult than achieving the milestone itself. The lesson here is to always be ready for what’s next.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

Done is better than perfect.

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn was invaluable. I gained confidence to pursue my ideas that hadn’t been proven yet, as well as the perseverance and resources to see them through to reality. UConn for me was a place to test ideas and fail, knowing that there were resources available to help me learn from my mistakes was crucial as I began my entrepreneurial journey.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m passionate about the ocean. I try to spend as much time on the water as I do on land. From fishing, to boating, to surfing, you can find me on the water when I’m not working. At Find The Good Brand we talk about finding your “spot”, it’s like a happy place you go to, to practice mindfulness. The ocean is my favorite “spot”.

What's next?

Next, I’ll be heading back to UConn to build resources for student athletes and social media influencers to help grow accessibility in entrepreneurship at UConn. The world of college athletics has been changed forever and I’m excited to be at the forefront of such an impactful movement for NIL.  I will also continue to build Find The Good Brand, when I’m not busy helping students at UConn pursue their passions.

Jaden Brodeur, ’20 (BUS)

Jaden Brodeur Photo

Founder, Luma

Jaden Brodeur has always been passionate for meaningful innovation designed to address big problems. At an early age, he took an interest in the concept of eliminating plastic-bottled water, fully convinced his adulthood should be free of single-use plastic bottles. He is co-founder of Luma, a sustainability company with a hyperfocus on hydration. Luma is building the first hydration unit to simultaneously combine UV-C light with optional filtration via activated Carbon. UV-C light is used to eradicate bacteria from the unit’s water contents and its interior surface, meaning regular cleaning is not required. Activated Carbon is used to treat water for other pollutants that UV-C light does not account for. In doing this, Luma is offering a unit that matches the water purity of bottled water while eliminating maintenance of the unit itself.

Jaden Brodeur is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Fulfilling his longtime dream of innovating the water bottle industry.
  • Recently participated in CCEI's Summer Fellowship program.
  • “I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my
    mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier”

Tell us about Luma and how it came to be.

Going into my 2nd semester of junior year at UConn, I found a venture investing platform that I would be interning for in the summer, where I would be doing venture scouting. I wanted to come in prepared, so I started early making a list of young startups that I could reach out to when beginning my internship. I was browsing Kickstarter to find companies early in their development, and I came across a campaign for a product called Luma Bottle. I was blown away, because I had been fascinated by the idea of innovating the water bottle industry since I was a freshman in high school, and Luma Bottle was everything I’d been fantasizing about. It was the first company I put on my list, and then the first company I scheduled a call with when starting my internship.

When I got on that call, I was blown away to learn that it was a project led by another student my age across the country at BYU. There was no product, no capital, and no real team other than some friends of Willy’s at BYU helping out. We got to know each other well over the course of the next year and a half, touching base regularly as Willy worked towards getting the product concept built. In March of 2021, we were catching up after not speaking for a few months. He filled me in on what was going on. He was able to finally develop the product and fulfill pre-orders, but there was no direction after that. There was no capital, low inventory of a product that still needed work, nobody else working on it, and no clear path forward. Willy was also still finishing up school and working full time at a company in Utah.

I encouraged Willy to keep pushing forward, and helped put together a plan to raise capital, fund product improvements, build out a brand strategy, etc. It was clear that Willy and I had opposite skillsets, and we decided to team up and start a company. Less than 5 months later, we formed Luma Hydration Inc and closed our first investment of $75,000.

How is Luma using business to make a positive impact on the world?

Luma is a mission driven company dedicated to eliminating the use of plastic-packaged water. We’re combining meaningful innovation, premium quality, and impeccable design to build a sustainable hydration experience that’s healthier for our bodies and healthier for our planet.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Entrepreneurship and innovation are important to me for more reasons to count, but I think the most important thing is that it gives me the opportunity to operate with complete creative freedom, which is what makes me happy. I feel fulfilled and feel like there’s nothing holding me back from reaching my full potential.

What did you learn from your experience at UConn that has helped you most in your career?

My time at UConn was an invaluable self-discovery experience. I learned more about myself in my 4 years at UConn than I could have ever imagined. I gained a better understanding of what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. I think I became much more self-aware.

Were there any connections that you made at UConn through the Werth Institute (staff, alumni, faculty, peers, etc.) that helped you beyond graduating?

I’ve made sure to stay well connected with David Noble. He was the one professor I had at UConn that truly inspired me, that I looked up to and admired.

I had also met Ryan Gresh (Class of 2009) during my time at UConn. He’s become someone I consider to be a great friend, and an incredible mentor. No matter what it is I’m going through, he’s someone I know I can always lean on for advice and has been guiding me through my entrepreneurial journey since day 1.

Are you still connected with UConn in any way and if yes, how so (college friends, mentoring current students, football games, etc.)?

Yes! My friends from UConn remain some of my closest friends and being a die-hard UConn basketball fan since my earliest memories, I attend as many home games as I can. I’m also participating in UConn’s summer fellowship program with CCEI.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Twitter! I can’t advocate enough for young professionals to use the platform more. To me, it’s a more authentic LinkedIn. I’ve built relationships with countless mentors, investors, founders, etc. from Twitter.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

When you leave college and step out into the “real-world,” the “guardrails” that have been in place since we were born suddenly disappear. It can be both intimidating and exciting. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. The biggest lesson I learned was to take advantage of that feeling.

I think a lot of people find themselves getting into jobs and careers that don’t really excite them, but it’s just what they feel like they’re “supposed” to do. I’ve learned to dismiss the status-quo and to do what makes me happy. We have limited time, and I don’t want to waste it.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

"Do what makes you happy".

It kind of builds off the lesson I just mentioned above, but I think it’s super important and it’s always on my mind. Finding happiness is the ultimate goal, and happiness looks different for everyone. For me, I like to create things. I like to make my own decisions, I like to think big, I like to live and work without someone telling me what I can and can’t do. Nobody wants to live with regrets, and I feel like I’m living regret-free, because I’m doing what makes me happy. Out of college, I had a great job in the city I wanted to live in my whole life, making great money, working with people I liked, but I didn’t truly feel happy because I felt like I was limited in what I was allowed to do. I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier. I’m young and can afford to take big risks. If things didn’t work out, I’d at least be doing what I loved. Fortunately, things have gone well 🙂

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn meant so much to me. I grew tremendously as a person, I learned about myself, I built both friendships and professional relationships that will last me a lifetime, and I had as much fun as I ever could have hoped for. I take extreme pride in UConn and hope to remain involved with the university in some way throughout my life.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Golf, football, and UConn basketball!

What is next for you?

Fully focused on scaling Luma with the hope of one day building a generational company.

Justin Lee, ’15 (BUS)

Justin Lee

Senior Associate, Palladin Consumer Retail Partners

WerthWatching is an extension of Justin’s vision as a Business student at UConn. In 2014, Justin founded the UConn Consulting Group (UCG), a strategy consulting group bringing together top students with alumni who attended elite business schools and consulting firms. UCG was founded on the belief that given the resources and training, UConn students can compete and land jobs at top companies around the world.

Justin Lee is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Implemented “Strategic Consulting” minor as part of undergraduate curriculum
  • Expertise in consumer-focused buyouts and growth equity investing
  • Leading Werth Institute’s efforts to help students on non- traditional career paths

Why did you choose to work for your employer and how has the experience been?

When I was leaving investment banking, I knew I wanted to go into private equity. PE was attractive to me because you are the principle on the transaction and are truly partnering with the founders or management teams. This alignment of interests and ability to have a true impact on companies sounded exciting. Palladin had a long-standing track record of investing in consumer businesses while operating with a lean team which meant I’d be getting a lot of experience in a sector that has been experiencing dramatic changes.

How did UConn prepare you for the field you are in today?

UConn gave me a good general business background that has been built upon through work experience. While academics are important, UConn also provided a great social setting whether it be on-campus, sporting or other events. Many people believe that a 4.0 GPA will result in an “easy” job search but interviewers are increasingly looking for people they like and can work long hours with.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I look back on my UConn experience very favorably so it’s hard to narrow it down to one. Two immediately come to mind:

  • 2014 Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships
  • Delivering the final presentation for our first project as the UConn Consulting Group; this really solidified the legitimacy of something that I spent a lot of time pursuing

What advice do you have for today’s students or aspiring entrepreneurs?

Be proactive. Nobody is going to hand you the job you want just because you have a good GPA and went to UConn. You need to do more – join clubs, network and utilize the resources around you.

What’s next for you?

While I can’t speak in specifics, my company is at a pretty pivotal time in its lifecycle and there are a few large initiatives that should come to fruition over the next 6-12 months. I’m also excited to be working with the Werth Institute to enhance outcomes for students interested in non-traditional career paths. As someone who had to jump through a lot of hoops, I’m hoping we can make it a bit easier for the next generation of UConn students.

Do you have any personal or professional goals you’d like to reach?

I don’t set specific goals such as obtain “X” job title or anything like that – at least not anymore. I like to stay flexible and setting goals sometimes inhibits your ability to think outside the box and be creative. Goal setting works in moderation. To answer the question - I want to gain more experience in my current field and see where it takes me.

What’s your favorite podcast at the moment?

Given the shift to work-from-home over the last year, I have unfortunately significantly cut down on my podcasts. My favorites to listen to on my commute were The Joe Rogan Experience, Stuff You Should Know and How I Built This.

Thomas Bachant, ’13 (ENG)

Jaden Brodeur Photo

Founder, Luma

Jaden Brodeur has always been passionate for meaningful innovation designed to address big problems. At an early age, he took an interest in the concept of eliminating plastic-bottled water, fully convinced his adulthood should be free of single-use plastic bottles. He is co-founder of Luma, a sustainability company with a hyperfocus on hydration. Luma is building the first hydration unit to simultaneously combine UV-C light with optional filtration via activated Carbon. UV-C light is used to eradicate bacteria from the unit’s water contents and its interior surface, meaning regular cleaning is not required. Activated Carbon is used to treat water for other pollutants that UV-C light does not account for. In doing this, Luma is offering a unit that matches the water purity of bottled water while eliminating maintenance of the unit itself.

Jaden Brodeur is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Fulfilling his longtime dream of innovating the water bottle industry.
  • Recently participated in CCEI's Summer Fellowship program.
  • “I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my
    mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier”

Tell us about Luma and how it came to be.

Going into my 2nd semester of junior year at UConn, I found a venture investing platform that I would be interning for in the summer, where I would be doing venture scouting. I wanted to come in prepared, so I started early making a list of young startups that I could reach out to when beginning my internship. I was browsing Kickstarter to find companies early in their development, and I came across a campaign for a product called Luma Bottle. I was blown away, because I had been fascinated by the idea of innovating the water bottle industry since I was a freshman in high school, and Luma Bottle was everything I’d been fantasizing about. It was the first company I put on my list, and then the first company I scheduled a call with when starting my internship.

When I got on that call, I was blown away to learn that it was a project led by another student my age across the country at BYU. There was no product, no capital, and no real team other than some friends of Willy’s at BYU helping out. We got to know each other well over the course of the next year and a half, touching base regularly as Willy worked towards getting the product concept built. In March of 2021, we were catching up after not speaking for a few months. He filled me in on what was going on. He was able to finally develop the product and fulfill pre-orders, but there was no direction after that. There was no capital, low inventory of a product that still needed work, nobody else working on it, and no clear path forward. Willy was also still finishing up school and working full time at a company in Utah.

I encouraged Willy to keep pushing forward, and helped put together a plan to raise capital, fund product improvements, build out a brand strategy, etc. It was clear that Willy and I had opposite skillsets, and we decided to team up and start a company. Less than 5 months later, we formed Luma Hydration Inc and closed our first investment of $75,000.

How is Luma using business to make a positive impact on the world?

Luma is a mission driven company dedicated to eliminating the use of plastic-packaged water. We’re combining meaningful innovation, premium quality, and impeccable design to build a sustainable hydration experience that’s healthier for our bodies and healthier for our planet.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Entrepreneurship and innovation are important to me for more reasons to count, but I think the most important thing is that it gives me the opportunity to operate with complete creative freedom, which is what makes me happy. I feel fulfilled and feel like there’s nothing holding me back from reaching my full potential.

What did you learn from your experience at UConn that has helped you most in your career?

My time at UConn was an invaluable self-discovery experience. I learned more about myself in my 4 years at UConn than I could have ever imagined. I gained a better understanding of what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. I think I became much more self-aware.

Were there any connections that you made at UConn through the Werth Institute (staff, alumni, faculty, peers, etc.) that helped you beyond graduating?

I’ve made sure to stay well connected with David Noble. He was the one professor I had at UConn that truly inspired me, that I looked up to and admired.

I had also met Ryan Gresh (Class of 2009) during my time at UConn. He’s become someone I consider to be a great friend, and an incredible mentor. No matter what it is I’m going through, he’s someone I know I can always lean on for advice and has been guiding me through my entrepreneurial journey since day 1.

Are you still connected with UConn in any way and if yes, how so (college friends, mentoring current students, football games, etc.)?

Yes! My friends from UConn remain some of my closest friends and being a die-hard UConn basketball fan since my earliest memories, I attend as many home games as I can. I’m also participating in UConn’s summer fellowship program with CCEI.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

Twitter! I can’t advocate enough for young professionals to use the platform more. To me, it’s a more authentic LinkedIn. I’ve built relationships with countless mentors, investors, founders, etc. from Twitter.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

When you leave college and step out into the “real-world,” the “guardrails” that have been in place since we were born suddenly disappear. It can be both intimidating and exciting. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. The biggest lesson I learned was to take advantage of that feeling.

I think a lot of people find themselves getting into jobs and careers that don’t really excite them, but it’s just what they feel like they’re “supposed” to do. I’ve learned to dismiss the status-quo and to do what makes me happy. We have limited time, and I don’t want to waste it.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

"Do what makes you happy".

It kind of builds off the lesson I just mentioned above, but I think it’s super important and it’s always on my mind. Finding happiness is the ultimate goal, and happiness looks different for everyone. For me, I like to create things. I like to make my own decisions, I like to think big, I like to live and work without someone telling me what I can and can’t do. Nobody wants to live with regrets, and I feel like I’m living regret-free, because I’m doing what makes me happy. Out of college, I had a great job in the city I wanted to live in my whole life, making great money, working with people I liked, but I didn’t truly feel happy because I felt like I was limited in what I was allowed to do. I left my job, worked on Luma unpaid, drained my bank, moved back home with my mom to stay afloat, and have never been happier. I’m young and can afford to take big risks. If things didn’t work out, I’d at least be doing what I loved. Fortunately, things have gone well 🙂

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn meant so much to me. I grew tremendously as a person, I learned about myself, I built both friendships and professional relationships that will last me a lifetime, and I had as much fun as I ever could have hoped for. I take extreme pride in UConn and hope to remain involved with the university in some way throughout my life.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Golf, football, and UConn basketball!

What is next for you?

Fully focused on scaling Luma with the hope of one day building a generational company.

Travis Bloom ’13 (BUS)

Travis Bloom

Co-founder and CTO of Pawlicy Advisor

Travis Bloom is the co-founder and CTO of Pawlicy Advisor, a pet insurance marketplace focused on helping consumers find the right plan at the best possible price. The company, which was founded in 2018, has raised more than $7.5M of venture capital and helped millions of pet parents ensure their dogs and cats get the best care possible.
Travis started his career in General Electric’s IT Leadership program after graduating from UConn in 2013. He lives in midtown Manhattan with his wife Meghan (UConn ‘13) and cat Ginny.

Travis Bloom is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Using data to make buying the best pet insurance easier
  • Left a career at General Electric to join a small startup
  • Pawlicy Advisor team grew from 3 to 10 full-time employees in just 5 months

What led you to entrepreneurship and the pet industry?

Since high school I’ve been obsessed with the idea that companies were leveraging the power of the internet to disrupt existing industries and create entirely new ones. I always knew I wanted to start my own business but wanted to make sure I had solid business and technical foundations before taking the leap.

My interest in pet insurance started in 2018 when my wife and I adopted our cat, Ginny. I bought insurance thinking it was the thing all responsible pet owners did. After diving into the industry more with my business partner Woody I realized that only 2% of pet owners in the US had insurance, that number was doubling every 3 years, and there were mature markets like the UK and Sweden that had 30-50% penetration. Once we realized our marketplace could be the catalyst to make pet insurance mainstream in the US, we were off to the races.

What type of impact is Pawlicy Advisor having, and where do you see yourself and the company in the next year?

Selling insurance might not sound like the sexiest startup idea, but once you learn more about the cost of animal care in the US the business impact really starts to hit home. Economic euthanasia, where pets are put down with treatable conditions because the costs are prohibitively expensive, is a massive problem. When we educate pet parents about their insurance options, we aren’t just financially protecting their wallet, we’re also potentially saving their pet’s life.

In addition to helping consumers navigate their insurance options, we’re also the trusted advisor for veterinarians who want to increase insurance adoption at their practice, but don’t want to recommend one specific brand. By trusting an unbiased, data-driven, 3rd party like Pawlicy Advisor, they have the peace of mind that their clients are getting personalized financial advice from licensed insurance agents.

We’re growing rapidly and don’t plan on slowing down! We were a team of 3 people on January 1, 2021, and by May we were 10 full-time employees with plans for additional expansion later this year. By the end of next year, we’re focused on partnering with the majority of the vets in the US.

How did UConn prepare you for your entrepreneurial path?

The amazing professors in the UConn Business School’s OPIM department helped me bootstrap my initial software development knowledge. Using that base of knowledge, I launched a course-ranking web app during my final year at UConn. When it came time to select classes, I had ⅓ of the student body using it to see what their classmates were saying about professors and different electives. Professor Shanker in particular was a great mentor: while every other student was focused on interviewing for traditional jobs, he was encouraging me to pursue entrepreneurship full-time.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I was an active member of Greek life at UConn (AEPi) and have a ton of great memories from homecoming and other brotherhood events. UConn Men's Basketball also won two national championships during my time at school. Despite all those amazing events, taking my now-wife out on our first date during spring of senior year is probably my favorite. 🙂

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find inspiration by learning about the problems other companies have solved and how they went about finding product-market fit. The first few years of a startup are the messiest, but also the most creative. There’s some amazing podcasts and books that dive deep into the early years at some of the world’s most successful brands. Hearing their struggles and eventual successes helps me key in to how I should be thinking about our own product strategy at Pawlicy Advisor.

Describe a time you took a risk. Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn from it?

I started my career at General Electric in their IT Leadership Program, a 2-year rotation they use to groom future leaders of the business. I had an amazing experience during my time there and had multiple full-time offers rolling off the program but opted to leave to join a small 25-person startup in NYC.

The decision was not an easy one to make, but ultimately, I came to the conclusion that if I didn’t take the leap now and try early-stage startups, I might never have the courage. The fear of regret motivated me to take the leap. I used the same decision-making process when I was debating leaving my full-time job and forgoing a salary to start Pawlicy Advisor. Once I realized I’d regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t try, the choice became obvious.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs?

If you’re the kind of person who can take the leap to entrepreneurship right out of school, I have nothing but respect. If you think you’d benefit from a few years of professional career development before taking the plunge, that’s completely fine as well. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to starting a business and you should trust your gut rather than trying to emulate Mark Zuckerberg’s journey.
Also, buy pet insurance 🙂

Do you have a professional moment you are most proud of and why? 

Closing our Series A round at the end of 2020 was incredibly gratifying, not just because it meant we could continue to scale and build a massive business, but also because of the impact COVID had on us in early 2020. We made a lot of bet-the-business product decisions in early/mid 2020 that paid off in the second half of the year.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why? 

I’m a big believer in data. As a founder, you need to have comprehensive user analytics to understand how people are using your product. There are a million solutions out there but I like Mixpanel.

Thomas Bachant, ’13 (ENG)

Thomas Bachant Photo

Founder, CEO of Everyspace

Tom Bachant is the founder & CEO at Everyspace, a community platform to create meaningful connection in remote teams. Previously, Tom founded Dashride, a ridesharing platform that was acquired by Cruise in 2018 and was named one of Forbes “30 Under 30” in 2019. Tom is an entrepreneur, engineer, and product expert focused on creating equitable social impact.

Thomas Bachant is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Helping companies centralize communications to better engage and retain employees
  • Passionate about building community in a modern world
  • Involved in nonprofits working to create equitable, sustainable transit

How did you become interested in being a serial entrepreneur?

I never had that goal in mind, but rather, I’ve always looked for problems that I could solve, and iterated on solutions until people started using what I had built. It just so happens that if you’re stubborn and persistent enough at this, you end up becoming an entrepreneur.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

We should always be looking for ways to have an outsized positive impact on the world. For me, software was the way to create a solution used by millions of people by writing a few lines of code, and it’s hard to pass up on an opportunity like that.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

When I graduated from UConn, I passed on a cushy job offer in order to work on my first startup, Sobrio, which was a ridesharing service for college students. I jumped in full-time with no salary and even lived on an RV for 2 months while we launched the app on different college campuses. Nothing motivates you to succeed quite like being broke and without a home! It taught me about ruthless prioritization and that done is better than perfect when the stakes are high and you have a lot of problems to solve.

Where do you see Everyspace in the next five years?

Everyspace’s goal today is to create a sense of community within companies, and our goal over the next decade is to create communities across the globe around various interests, ideas, and identities. People everywhere are seeking community and we want to be the place to start.

Any advice for companies on how to create connection and community in remote teams?

It takes work. As much as we wish that people could all autonomously self-organize into the perfect groups, it takes having the right people and the right tools to facilitate connection. Finding the right group size, making communication easy, and defining a shared mission separates a disparate group from a meaningful community.

How did UConn prepare you for where you’re at today?

There were some amazing resources for aspiring entrepreneurs at UConn, including but not limited to the Werth Institute and the Innovation Quest program that connected us with the right mentors during the early days (shoutout to Keith Fox and Richard Dino!). The first funding we ever received was from a business plan competition held by the School of Business, and it jumpstarted my first company.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I’ll never forget the night the men’s basketball team with Kemba Walker won the NCAA championship! The campus erupted in celebration, and my professors were kind enough to overlook the fact that I did not come close to finishing my homework that night.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs?

To my fellow engineers out there, it’s a harsh truth to learn that “if you build it, they will come” is a lie. Building is only one part of the process. You need to talk to customers, deeply understand their problems, build, validate, iterate, and be able to clearly communicate your value proposition and market/sell effectively.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why?

Believe it or not, I'm still proud of the Startup Weekend Storrs competition that we competed in back in 2012! My co-founder and I hacked together a project over the course of a weekend, presented it in front of an audience of smart, ambitious people, and came out with the top prize! It was motivating to see how a small group with a well-defined goal can create something meaningful in a matter of days.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

If you’re looking to start a tech company, “Startup School by Y Combinator” is a great place to start. This is a series of talks on everything from fine-tuning your idea to building your solution to recruiting your team. It’s run by some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the tech world, and I still rewatch the videos from time to time.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’ve worked in transportation for most of my career and it’s clear that creating equitable, sustainable transit in one of the biggest opportunities of our generation. To me, this means reducing carbon emissions, reducing dependency on personal car ownership, and creating safe, walkable cities by focusing on public transit, cycling, and pedestrian infrastructure. I’m involved in a few non-profits working to solve this, and happy to share more if anyone wants to connect with me!

Cassandra Bodzak ’09 (BFA)

Cassandra Bodzak

Best Selling Author of “Eat with Intention” and the upcoming “Manifesting Through Meditation” (available for pre-order now). Host of the “Divine Downloads” podcast and creator of the Transformational Online Program “Divinely  Design Your Life.”

Cassandra Bodzak is a thought leader, best-selling author and sought after on-camera personality and speaker in the mindfulness and personal development world. She is also the host of the popular spiritual podcast, "Divine Downloads.” You may have seen Cassandra on ABC’s “The Taste” with Anthony Bourdain as the “happy, healthy living guru” or in her work with SHAPE, Eating Well, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, Thrive, Fabletics, Lululemon, SoulCycle and many more. She has been called “an award-winning thought leader and intuitive coach” in Forbes and “a spiritual leader” by Well + Good. Cassandra helps people all over the world learn The Process for bringing their soul's desires into their everyday reality through her online group program, “Divinely Design Your Life,” as well as through all the free content she shares on her YouTube and social media.

Cassandra Bodzak is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Best-selling author
  • Helps people create their “next level” life through food, meditation and self-care
  • Started a recipe blog in college after being sick with food allergies that has become a holistic lifestyle source

What led you to mindfulness and personal development as a career?

My own healing journey led me to my career in personal development. It was through using the tools that I now teach about during some of the most dark and confusing moments of my life, experiencing these tools transform my life that I knew I had to share them with others. I often feel like this career chose me, it was so naturally a part of who I am and what I believe in.

Tell us about your upcoming book. 

Manifesting Through Meditation, walks you through my four-step manifesting process for creating the life you dream of and has 100 specially curated meditations to assist you in transform your life from the inside out. This book is great for anyone who wants to begin a meditation process or for those who are ready to utilize their meditation practice to start consciously creating their life. 

How did UConn prepare you for where you’re at today? 

I definitely learned a strong work ethic from my time at UConn that I still have today. I also received a lot of critical feedback and learned how to believe in myself in the face of adversity from my time earning a BFA at UConn. 

Where do you find your inspiration? 

My inspiration comes from following what lights me up, honoring my soul’s desires and you bet… my meditation practice! 

Describe a time you took a risk. Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

My whole career has been a huge risk. Being willing to create your own path and march to the beat of your own drum when there’s not a well-worn path in front of you can be terrifying. It has paid off beyond my wildest dreams and continues to do so as long as I keep taking risks!

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

My favorite memory at UConn was getting to perform in a play called “4:48 Psychosis” by Sarah Kane. It was a three-woman cast and the experience embodying such a deeply disturbed and complex character was one that made me feel so alive. That play and working with its director, Christin Kennelly, was such a highlight of my time at UConn and brought me such confidence in my work.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs? 

Follow your passion. Ignore what you “think” is going to make you money and pursue the thing that sets your soul on fire. Use your time at UConn to try out different things, take different classes, create things in your spare time and explore what that thing you feel deeply drawn to doing is. PS. - Don’t be scared if no one else is doing it yet either – maybe you are meant to create it!

What advice do you have for young future female entrepreneurs when it comes to work/life balance?

There is no such thing as balance! Stop chasing some perfect way of doing things, it doesn’t exist. You have to take care of your body – eating healthy, sleeping enough, getting sunshine and movement – you need to remember that NOTHING works when YOU don’t work. So do your best to keep yourself in working order but realize that sometimes your passion, your project and your calling will have you putting in more time than the average bear. That’s okay!

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why? 

Being on “The Taste” on ABC and having Anthony Bourdain call me his favorite vegetarian was very cool. I think I’m most proud of being on that show because it took so much courage and belief in myself to hang with so many extraordinarily talented chefs who already had a slight bias to my healthy cooking and get them to open their mind.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why? 

I recommend two Steven Pressfield books, “The War of Art” and “Turning Pro” to any entrepreneur or ambitious individual out there. He talks all about honoring our creative calling, showing up to our work and beating the resistance and fear that we all inevitably face.

Of course, I obviously also recommend Manifesting Through Meditation, because that is the secret sauce to everything I have been able to create in my life thus far!

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I am passionate about traveling, exploring other places, countries, cultures, food, traditions, etc. It’s expansive and soul nourishing for me. Travel is such medicine and gives such great perspective in my experience.

William “Bill” Guerrero, ’93 (CLAS)

William "Bill" Guerrero Photo

Vice President for Finance/CFO of the University of Bridgeport

Bill Guerrero is an innovator in education, with more than 20 years of experience in higher education administration. He currently serves as the vice president for Finance and CFO at the University of Bridgeport, a private university in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Here, he leads efforts for effective long-term financial sustainability, planning and annual budgeting, finance, accounting, treasury and student financial services. Bill is also a renowned national speaker and
frequent podcast guest on topics such on digital transformation, change management, risk management, entrepreneurship, non-tuition revenue, and the overall financial sustainability and business model of higher education.

Tell us about your role with the University of Bridgeport (UB). What impact do you hope to make?

My primary role is to ensure financial sustainability for this terrific university. My hope is to return UB back to its glory days, with so many proud alumni, as one of the flagship universities in the State of Connecticut and be something that City of Bridgeport and the surrounding community can be very proud of.

How did you become interested in the education space?

I was a first-generation college student raised by a single mother of five children. If it was not for athletics, I would not have thought of college as an option. The opportunity afforded me allowed me to become a role model for my nieces and nephews and a break a cycle for social mobility. My interest therefore in working in the education space is to give back and help enhance those opportunities for others by making colleges/universities accessible and affordable, primarily through entrepreneurship and innovation.

What role has entrepreneurship played in your career?

I was exposed to entrepreneurship early in my life when my mother left her corporate job at Xerox as an executive secretary and started a day care. Doesn’t sound that innovative, but back in the 1980’s when dual income families were becoming necessary, her understanding the basics of problem, solution, and expertise yields a solid business model. Watching mother everyday managing customers (families), federal and state rules and regulations, and no paid time off for example, as most entrepreneurs understand well. This background has grounded me in my work ethic, focus on solutions for customers that make money, and overall risk tolerance. I used this background in my academic background to be part of a team that won the first State of CT business plan contest among all of the higher ed institutions back in 1999 during my MBA program. I then used these skills to revive or start non-tuition businesses within higher education to keep the costs down for students. Plus, I was an adjunct faculty teaching entrepreneurship and writing business plans for 13 years yielding numerous successful businesses and future entrepreneurs.

Why is entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

I am not a huge fan of “that is what we have always done” in higher education. But change is not easy anywhere. But with the Black Swan of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then the demographic cliff and value proposition challenge of higher education, providing an educational experience that students/families are willing to invest in requires a lot of adjustments to what is the best business model to ensure financial sustainability. My belief is that you don’t succeed long-term buy just cutting costs. That only taxes the good employees that remain and decrease the service levels. My alternative view is through innovation and entrepreneurship an organization can actually respond proactively that will meet the needs of students and preserve jobs. This requires a lot of collaboration which I think it is very positive. There are so many smart people in higher education within the faculty, staff, and student ranks with terrific ideas and solutions to problems.

Tell us how you have contributed to innovation in education.

There are so many examples at the various institutions that I have worked at, plus innovation can be defined many ways. But I will list a few related to dining services. Back in the early 2000’s implemented the first all vegan/vegetarian café on a college campus in the U.S. before it was a standard need meeting the needs of the populations; established the highest revenue generating licensed Starbucks on a college campus through community building and increased student retention; and significant sales; and self-operated the $20M dining program that was typically contracted to a large 3 rd party. Last example, which is not food service related, is Purchase Park 2 Fly, a discount airport parking business, that was started from scratch and generated $1M in revenue in the first year and generating $250K in profits that went directly to student financial aid.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

I am wired a little different where I am not very risk-adverse. My mother demonstrated that to me through her business. To raise five children, it was desperation leads to inspiration. I have a picture in my office titled “risk.” It is a picture of baseball player stealing second base. This is relatively unusual for a CFO, but I believe in calculated risks to supports innovation. But failure doesn’t scare me. I was a “relatively” good baseball player and as in most sports, you can’t play hesitant. If you hesitate stealing a base, you will be out. But also, to be a good baseball player you fail 70% of the time. My best example of risk besides changing jobs professionally numerous times, is marrying my wife, Maggie Guerrero ’94. We knew each other for a long time and eventually got married. Some may say not risky, but it was the best decision in our lives.

How did UConn prepare you for where you're at today?

UConn prepared me professionally and personally. I had a lot of failure at UConn but the opportunities available allowed me to persist. My baseball career didn’t work out the way I expected. Instead of transferring, I persisted in other interests. My major was Communications, but I was able to learn the basic skills in business and finance to realize a professional path forward ultimately becoming a CFO. I became a Resident Assistant and it established a strong foundation for my higher education career without even knowing it. I joined a group of lifelong friends and we started a fraternity (TKE). I did not become my fraternity’s President but became a leader in the Interfraternity Council helping policy on a larger scale. I also became a successful D3 college baseball coach, due to my experiences. It allowed me to recruit successfully based on my personal experiences.

What is your favorite UConn memory?

Of course, the UConn basketball games. First games at the Fieldhouse and then with the opening of Gampel Pavilion. I would add Yale Bowl…where I hung out with my future wife and friends. Many others…. but we leave it at these traditions.

What advice do you have for today's students or emerging entreprenuers?

Start as soon as you can. Fail as soon as you can. The risk will be minimal. The resources available are so much greater than before. So many people…. faculty, staff, alumni, etc. that are willing to help. It will never be perfect, but you need to take that leap before life takes over such as a family, mortgage, and saving for retirement, and then the risk factor becomes more apparent.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why?

My favorite professional moments are when former employees or students I either supported, taught, or coached, stay in touch for professional and personal guidance. As humble brag…my proudest moments are being invited to the many weddings and being consider influential in their lives, and the acknowledgment that they will pay it forward.

What/who has been the biggest influence in your life and career?

Not surprising, it is my mother for the various aforementioned aspects. Her resiliency, work ethic, creativity, problem solving, and being a great mother is bar none. Her impact on my life and career decisions permeates both aspects of my life.

What is next for you?

I have learned early on that life is short. I take each day and try to do my best to make a positive impact and not assume there is a tomorrow. My current focus is just that at the University of Bridgeport. To lead it to perpetual success.

How do you see higher education evolving in the next five years?

Unfortunately, I see a lot of consolidations outside the top 150 private college/universities and top 50 state universities. The demographics and the rising cost of attendance make it really difficult to match the supply and demand in the current paradigm. Unless there are some changes in some federal support to make it more affordable, and a repositioned value of an education, it will be difficult to remain status quo. There are many terrific examples of innovative higher education institutions, but will others have the same entrepreneurial and innovate risk tolerance to make the necessary changes to survive and thrive.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Not surprisingly I am a very passionate UConn Athletics fan. I have season tickets to baseball and football and attend as many women and men’s basketball games as possible. I am also a die-hard Yankees fan. Besides these passions, my family lives pretty simply and we are passionate about giving back to our community, lifelong learning, and of course taking care of my rose bushes!

Matt Cremins ʼ13 (ENG) ’14 MS

matthew cremins

Co-Founder of CivilTalk

Matt invented Smartwell, a flavored and sparkling water dispenser, and subsequently started his first company, Voda, around this idea. Dubbed the "next generation water cooler,’’ Matt sold Voda in 2019 and went to work on his second startup, CivilTalk. Hearing his mom’s frustration with the combative nature of social media, Matt wanted to find a way for people to have a voice online without the noise of trolls and negative comments. Matt and his team developed CivilTalk with a mission to connect people with each other so they can listen, learn and collaborate on solutions without the fear of being shut down or drowned out. Users are required to prove their identity before joining and choose who they engage with. With CivilTalk, the focus is on issues and solutions, not political parties.

Matt got his start in entrepreneurship with guidance from the School of Business, School of Engineering and UConn’s Technology Incubation Program (TIP), which provided a home base for Voda along with support with a business plan, investor pitches and connections with potential investors and business partners. He was also one of the first graduates of the School of Business’ Innovation Quest (iQ), a competition that helps students turn their ideas into a business. (Click here to take a look at the most recent iQ winners). 

Matt Cremins is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Launched his first startup while a student at UConn
  • Sold that company in less than six years
  • Co-founded a new online community creating change through civil discussion

What was it about starting a company that appealed to you? 

The opportunity to make a difference, and in the case of CivilTalk, help our country ascend from the current hostile and divisive political climate.

How did UConn prepare you for the field you are in today? 

UConn exposed me to entrepreneurship and how to take an idea and turn it into a product, and ultimately start and grow a company.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

UConn men’s basketball winning the 2011 NCAA Championship. I watched every game of the tournament with my friends, and I remember being in Gampel for the finals and the atmosphere was once in a lifetime.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

My desire to do good in the world and to give back for the amazing life I have had and continue to have. It’s such a gift to be alive and enjoy life...I feel the best thing you can do with your life is to give back in some way. I do that through entrepreneurship.

How do you define success? 

Success is an inner peace in knowing that you gave your entire effort to achieve a goal. It’s not the result if the goal was achieved or not, but the inner peace knowing you gave it your all.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received, in business or in life? 

Everyone gets knocked down at some point - be someone who gets up again and again.

What advice do you have for today’s students or aspiring entrepreneurs? 

Seek the advice and support of great mentors. At UConn, the mentor network is incredibly giving and wants to help - take advantage of that opportunity!

What advice do you have for fellow Huskies, especially as they navigate the changing business landscape? 

I would say remember what Wayne Gretzky said: “Skate to where the puck is going,” i.e. learn the skills that will be applicable in tomorrow’s world.

Do you have a professional moment you are most proud of? If so, why? 

Yes - the few weeks leading up to selling my first company, Voda, were extremely stressful. I was negotiating the sale terms and learning many M&A topics and legalese on the fly. I’m proud of how I navigated those stressful times to a great outcome.

What’s next for you? 

I am the co-founder of CivilTalk, a civic engagement service that is helping our country ascend from the current hostile and divisive political climate. Our amazing team has been working on CivilTalk for almost 3 years now, and we just launched! Time to grow!

Do you have any personal or professional goals you would like to reach? 

I would like to travel all around South America in the next few years!

What’s your favorite podcast at the moment? 

“How I Built This” by Guy Raz!

Saira A. Kazmi, Ph.D., ’03 (ENG)

Saira Kazmi Photo

Executive Director, Enterprise Data and Machine Learning Engineering, CVS Health

Saira Kazmi, Ph.D., is an Executive Director of Enterprise Data and Machine Learning Engineering at CVS Health. She brings over 18 years of experience in delivering advanced analytics capabilities into business workflows.

Saira loves working with complex data and enjoys designing and implementing solutions for problems associated with generating, storing, and analyzing large amounts of data. Saira has extensive technical and leadership expertise in delivering novel solutions for complex business problems from inception to production. Domains of experience include Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Healthcare, Insurance, Business Analytics, Text Search, Patent, and Intellectual Property Analytics. She advocates metadata best practices and establishes standards and business processes to enable high-quality data-driven metrics and insights.

She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science with a focus in Bioinformatics from the University of Connecticut and her post-doctoral training in Medical Informatics from Yale University.

Saira Kazmi is doing things WerthWatching:

  • A leader in working with complex data
  • Leading an engineering team that is delivering enterprise-scale data products and machine-learning platforms for one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States
  • Uses entrepreneurship to leverage her creativity

How did you become interested in engineering and data science?

From a young age, my father was a big inspiration for me, and I naturally followed in his footsteps in engineering. I knew that Mathematics and Computer Science enabled biologists, physicians, scientists, and researchers to solve complex problems related to life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. I wanted to learn more and participate so I started my academic journey in computer science and often collaborated with molecular biologists, chemists, physicians, and researchers. As I came closer to finishing my Ph.D., I became more interested in engineering applications and sought opportunities in the industry. I interned at a health insurance company with its enterprise information architecture team. As part of that program, I was exposed to fascinating high-impact work that applied Deep Learning to develop innovative products to augment clinical decisions in health management. I enjoyed the work and the pace and saw the real impact of my work. I also realized that my foundational cross-disciplinary research background translated well for solving many industry problems. This realization shifted the direction of my career into engineering applications of Data Science and Machine Learning Engineering.

Why are entrepreneurship and innovation important to you?

Throughout my career, I have been very fortunate to participate in research and entrepreneurial projects that advance foundational science and leverage it in applications in the healthcare domain. Entrepreneurship allows innovative ideas to be used to improve the lives of people and better the human condition. It enables me to leverage my creativity and be motivated each day.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

I was on the path to an academic career with my doctorate program. I became increasingly interested in the engineering aspects of my work and signed up for an internship in the industry toward the end of my academic program. This financial and career risk could have impacted my chances of staying on the academic path. Looking back, it was one of my best decisions because it pushed me to learn, stretch myself further, and explore a better it in the longer term. I learned that it is always the right decision to propel your career in a direction that aligns with your interests and passion. It did not pay off in the short term, as I had to restart my career in the industry. It paid off in the long run, allowing me to stay passionate and interested in my work every day.

How did UConn prepare you for where you're at today?

UConn provided me with strong foundational knowledge and research opportunities that allowed me to be successful in the emerging field of Data Science and Computer Science. The internship opportunity that kicked of my career in the industry was obtained through the UConn career center and its established industry partnerships.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of and why?

I am very proud of where I am today, leading an engineering team that is delivering enterprise-scale data products and machine-learning platforms for one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States. I am particularly proud of the feedback from my team this year on my ability to cultivate the culture and environment that motivates them to deliver their best.

Tell us a little about your continued involvement with UConn. Why is it important to give back as a mentor?

I am participating in activities with the Werth Institute and find it to be a very rewarding experience. It also allows me to mentor and connect with students curious about the industry opportunities or seeking clarity on career alternatives and choices that align with their academic curriculum.

What advice do you have for today’s students or emerging entrepreneurs?

Follow your interests and passion. Seek critical feedback and a growth mindset.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I leverage LinkedIn and Twitter and often follow industry leaders, researchers, and academicians. It usually allows me to think differently about problems I am solving daily. I also leverage free online courses and content to refresh my technical skills.

What's your favorite UConn memory?

One of my favorite memories at UConn was moving into the new Computer Science building. I had seen that building go up and anticipated the move for many years during its construction. when the building was ready, we were excited to be in the state-of-the-art computer science laboratories, classes, and offices.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I love to travel, bike, and cook with my family. I am also passionate about education and creating educational opportunities for other whenever possible.