Author: Ha, Emily

Lorin Dixon, ’11 (CLAS)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder and CEO, ZaveryCakes

Get to know Lorin Dixon, an Advisory Board member with Championship Labs.

Tell us about ZaveryCakes. How did the idea come about?

ZaveryCakes is a pop culture bakeware brand, providing a connection to pop culture through our detailed character food molds designed to look exactly like your favorite pop culture icon, sports teams, tv show, and movie character. Providing tangible ways to bring your fandom to your kitchen table. Our mission is to turn boring food into something you actually love. Our molds are easy to use, no mess, and give a new meaning to being able to play with your food. Our differentiation is the versatility of our food molds, you can make pancakes, eggs, pizzas, mini cakes, brownies, bread and so much more. We know that everyone is a fan of something, and we have something for everyone.

How did you become interested in entrepreneurship?

I have always considered myself an entrepreneur. As an athlete the minute I picked up a basketball and decided this is what I wanted to do I started creating a brand and unbeknownst became an entrepreneur. That brand was me, so all of the accolades I received in Highschool, becoming a McDonald All-American, and going to UConn was me being an entrepreneur building out my brand and forming a community of invested people around that brand. In this NIL era, student-athletes have the ability to monetize their brand and leverage their platform at the collegiate level. All of the hard work that athletes put into what they love to do and leveraging a personal brand that companies want to partner with makes these athletes entrepreneurs.

How did your experience as a member of the National Championship-winning UConn Women’s Basketball team prepare you for a career in entrepreneurship?

I am a true believer in how you do one thing is how you do everything. From a young age, I understood the importance of hard work, discipline, and consistency especially when no one is watching. Those are the moments when champions are made. I continue to use that same mentality in business. The success I’ve had with my company ZaveryCakes can be traced to that mentality that I carry with me every day.

With NIL initiatives taking off, what advice do you have for student-athletes in this new era of business opportunities?

In this new era of NIL initiatives, I would tell student-athletes to take full advantage of this opportunity. The best time to build a brand or start a business is always now. It takes time to build out and grow a business but as student-athletes, you have the platform and leverage to build a large community and following very quickly around your brand or business.

What role do you see former Husky athletes and entrepreneurs like yourself and resources like the Werth Institute having in the NIL era?

In this NIL era, the role of former Husky athletes and entrepreneurs and the resources like the Werth Institute can demystify the concepts of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Teaching and leading this new generation of student-athletes to show them that it is not only doable but beneficial for them to merge their platforms of student-athletes and entrepreneurship to secure and build a better future for themselves.

Can you describe a time you took a risk? Did it pay off? If not, what lesson did you learn?

The biggest risk I have ever taken was becoming an entrepreneur and deciding to start ZaveryCakes and that decision has been amazingly paying itself off ever since I trusted myself to take that step. When I started, I did not know anything about business, manufacturing, wholesale, or any of the other lessons that I had to learn along the way. Through that discipline, hard work, consistency, and most importantly through the belief that I have in myself, I‘ve learned that I can do anything, and I am just getting starting.

Describe a professional moment you are most proud of, and why?

I am blessed that I have had so many amazing professional moments in my life. Whether that was during my professional career as a basketball player where I had the opportunity to play in the WNBA, Overseas, and for the Jamaican Olympic basketball team, or as the CEO & founder of ZaveryCakes where we have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. From our amazing licensing partnerships to our retail partnerships, to our expanding product line, and the accomplishment of graduating from the Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women program.

The moment I am most proud of was our successful Kickstarter campaign. Before that moment I decided to start a company outside of sports or anything that I have previously known. I created our first three original characters from my own imagination and put them out in the world to see if it was even something the market wanted. ZaveryCakes surpassed its goal and we haven't looked back ever since.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend for entrepreneurs, and why?

For entrepreneurs with new businesses, my advice is to keep your overhead as low as possible while surrounding yourself with a good team. No one person can be the best at or do everything. Hiring experts in fields that you are not an expert in, will allow you to grow faster and accomplish more. The best way to do this when starting out is to hire freelancers. There are many sites that allow you to do this while keeping your cost low.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

I have had some amazing memories at UConn. Some great memories were playing in front of the amazing crowd at Gampel, breaking the 89-0 record, winning two national championships, and visiting President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama at the white house. My favorite UConn memory though was graduating. I was the first person in my family to graduate from college and fulfilling a goal I set for myself when I was younger was a very special moment and memory for me.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

My passion is continuously learning and trying new experiences and endeavors. I recently picked up golfing, I love it and the goal is to become really good at it. Becoming a wine connoisseur is a goal of mine, I am currently learning the process of how wine is made, and I hope to open my own vineyard one day. I am most passionate about my son, with any free time that I have, I spend it with him. There is no job in the world more important to me than being the best mom that I can be. Going through this process and creating a legacy for him is everything.


To explore the ZaveryCakes collection and order online, visit their website here.

Matt Cremins ʼ13 (ENG) ’14 MS

matthew cremins

Co-Founder of CivilTalk

Matt invented Smartwell, a flavored and sparkling water dispenser, and subsequently started his first company, Voda, around this idea. Dubbed the "next generation water cooler,’’ Matt sold Voda in 2019 and went to work on his second startup, CivilTalk. Hearing his mom’s frustration with the combative nature of social media, Matt wanted to find a way for people to have a voice online without the noise of trolls and negative comments. Matt and his team developed CivilTalk with a mission to connect people with each other so they can listen, learn and collaborate on solutions without the fear of being shut down or drowned out. Users are required to prove their identity before joining and choose who they engage with. With CivilTalk, the focus is on issues and solutions, not political parties.

Matt got his start in entrepreneurship with guidance from the School of Business, School of Engineering and UConn’s Technology Incubation Program (TIP), which provided a home base for Voda along with support with a business plan, investor pitches and connections with potential investors and business partners. He was also one of the first graduates of the School of Business’ Innovation Quest (iQ), a competition that helps students turn their ideas into a business. (Click here to take a look at the most recent iQ winners). 

Matt Cremins is doing things WerthWatching:

  • Launched his first startup while a student at UConn
  • Sold that company in less than six years
  • Co-founded a new online community creating change through civil discussion

What was it about starting a company that appealed to you? 

The opportunity to make a difference, and in the case of CivilTalk, help our country ascend from the current hostile and divisive political climate.

How did UConn prepare you for the field you are in today? 

UConn exposed me to entrepreneurship and how to take an idea and turn it into a product, and ultimately start and grow a company.

What’s your favorite UConn memory?

UConn men’s basketball winning the 2011 NCAA Championship. I watched every game of the tournament with my friends, and I remember being in Gampel for the finals and the atmosphere was once in a lifetime.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

My desire to do good in the world and to give back for the amazing life I have had and continue to have. It’s such a gift to be alive and enjoy life...I feel the best thing you can do with your life is to give back in some way. I do that through entrepreneurship.

How do you define success? 

Success is an inner peace in knowing that you gave your entire effort to achieve a goal. It’s not the result if the goal was achieved or not, but the inner peace knowing you gave it your all.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received, in business or in life? 

Everyone gets knocked down at some point - be someone who gets up again and again.

What advice do you have for today’s students or aspiring entrepreneurs? 

Seek the advice and support of great mentors. At UConn, the mentor network is incredibly giving and wants to help - take advantage of that opportunity!

What advice do you have for fellow Huskies, especially as they navigate the changing business landscape? 

I would say remember what Wayne Gretzky said: “Skate to where the puck is going,” i.e. learn the skills that will be applicable in tomorrow’s world.

Do you have a professional moment you are most proud of? If so, why? 

Yes - the few weeks leading up to selling my first company, Voda, were extremely stressful. I was negotiating the sale terms and learning many M&A topics and legalese on the fly. I’m proud of how I navigated those stressful times to a great outcome.

What’s next for you? 

I am the co-founder of CivilTalk, a civic engagement service that is helping our country ascend from the current hostile and divisive political climate. Our amazing team has been working on CivilTalk for almost 3 years now, and we just launched! Time to grow!

Do you have any personal or professional goals you would like to reach? 

I would like to travel all around South America in the next few years!

What’s your favorite podcast at the moment? 

“How I Built This” by Guy Raz!

Jack Tarca, ’22 (BUS Management)

Jack Tarca Headshot

Founder, Find The Good Brand/UConn Entreprenuer in Residence

Get to know Jack Tarca, the Werth Institute's new Entreprenuer in Residence with Championship Labs.

What do you do now and how did you get where you are?

I am pursuing my mission driven apparel brand full-time, while becoming the first Entrepreneur in Residence at the Werth Institute here at UConn. I was able to achieve success with my company while a student at UConn, using the resources, network, and knowledge found all throughout UConn’s ecosystem. Most important, I never stopped putting ideas into action.

What do you find most fulfilling about your job?

Seeing an idea go from idea to reality. Whether it’s a physical piece of apparel that we’re developing, an inspiring post about well-being, or a new e-commerce strategy we’re implementing, taking something in your head and proving its success in the real world never gets old.

How do you help your organization use business to have a positive impact on the world?

We aim for our business to positively impact anyone who’s engaging with our brand. Whether it’s through our content or purchasing a product, we want to add value to everyone who hears about our business. We’re in the business of helping people live happier and healthier lives. We do this through spreading our mantra of “finding the good”. These three simple words have been proven to have a positive impact on thousands of people’s lives. From spilling your morning coffee, to making it through months of rehabilitation for a mental disease, our community has told us that these three simple words were the reason they were able to get through the day.

Which business tool or resource do you recommend to others, and why?

I recommend “Notion”, it’s a project management and note-taking application. You can use it for personal use or at a business level. It’s user friendly, organized, but also has the ability to be customized as you see fit. I use it for storing brand assets, writing all sorts of copy, calendars, and collecting inspiration via photos and links. It does it all, without being overwhelming.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far since graduating?

In my two months after graduating, I’m still adjusting to working full-time and not having any assignments due at 11:59pm on Husky CT. In this short time, I’ve learned that I have new goals for the first time in four years. Throughout college my main goals were graduating, landing a job, and building a brand. It’s interesting to have to re-evaluate goals that have been set for so long, but also exciting to take on new challenges. Every milestone I’ve hit post-graduation has also meant creating a new one, which is sometimes more difficult than achieving the milestone itself. The lesson here is to always be ready for what’s next.

What is the best advice you've ever received?

Done is better than perfect.

What did your time at UConn mean to you?

My time at UConn was invaluable. I gained confidence to pursue my ideas that hadn’t been proven yet, as well as the perseverance and resources to see them through to reality. UConn for me was a place to test ideas and fail, knowing that there were resources available to help me learn from my mistakes was crucial as I began my entrepreneurial journey.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m passionate about the ocean. I try to spend as much time on the water as I do on land. From fishing, to boating, to surfing, you can find me on the water when I’m not working. At Find The Good Brand we talk about finding your “spot”, it’s like a happy place you go to, to practice mindfulness. The ocean is my favorite “spot”.

What's next?

Next, I’ll be heading back to UConn to build resources for student athletes and social media influencers to help grow accessibility in entrepreneurship at UConn. The world of college athletics has been changed forever and I’m excited to be at the forefront of such an impactful movement for NIL.  I will also continue to build Find The Good Brand, when I’m not busy helping students at UConn pursue their passions.

S3 Student Cohort Members

Michael Aisevbonaye
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Graduation Year: 2022

Hritish Bhargava
Major: Engineering Physics
Graduation Year: 2023

Jamison Cote
Major: Digital Media & Design
Graduation Year: 2022

Hannah Lee
Major: Art/Art Studies
Graduation Year: 2023

George Liang
Major: Cognitive Science
Graduation Year: 2022

Justin Nappi
Major: Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2024

Reaj Uddin
Major: Digital Media & Design
Graduation Year: 2022

Jake Winter
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Graduation Year: 2022

Solange Wright
Individualized Major: Digital Media & Applied Communications
Graduation Year: 2022

Sabrina Uva
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Graduation Year: 2022

2022 First-Year Women Cohort

Heaven Buckham
Heaven joined the First-Year Female cohort last fall. She is working towards a dual degree in the business school as a Management Information Systems major and in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as a Psychology major. Outside of class, Heaven is a tour guide within the Lodewick visitors center, a business academic senator, and the Vice President's Chief of Staff in the Undergraduate Student government.


Tania Cruz
Tania joined UConn’s Werth Innovators as a member of the First-Year Female cohort last fall. She is a double major in Political Science and Economics with a Pre-Law track and a double minor in American Sign Language and Crime and Justice. Apart from academics, Tania is involved in the women's club ice hockey team as well as the law and society club.


Claire Dobbins
Claire joined the F3 cohort during the fall of her first year at UConn. She is majoring in History and Economics, works for the UConn Archives and Special Collections, and is a member of the UConn Fed Challenge Team. Her interests include oral history preservation, financial markets, and entrepreneurship. She is also passionate about art and design, and has worked as a professional calligrapher. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, hiking, and playing the piano.



Rachel Harris
Rachel joined the First-Year Female cohort last fall. She is majoring in Materials Science & Engineering. This summer, she plans on working to improve access to horses and horseback riding. When she isn't busy studying or working, she enjoys hiking, horseback riding, and skiing.


Karla Perez
Karla joined UConn’s Werth Innovators as a member of the First-Year Female cohort last fall. She is majoring in communications and journalism. Apart from academics, Karla is also involved in The Daily Campus and the UConn Dance Company.


2023 Werth Innovators

Katelyn Archambault
Katelyn Archambault is going to be a sophomore during the 23-24 school year at UConn. She is originally from Connecticut and attended Pathways Academy of Technology and Design for highschool. While she is currently undecided, she hopes to major in Mechanical Engineering or Material Sciences with a minor in manufacturing. A passion she found through the classes she took at her highschool as well as the manufacturing internship she held in the past. She enjoys the arts and you can catch her creating a piece of art, making something or playing an instrument. Her hobbies also include hiking, reading, or exploring a new place with friends. Currently Katelyn is working as a Process Engineering intern, and will be joining the Makerspace team at UConn in the fall. Through the positions she currently holds she hopes to learn more and advance her skills within her field, while helping and working with others. Katelyn’s current dream job is currently a place of employment that will allow her to continue to participate in the process of creating new things or fixing current items. As well as allow her to travel and keep learning about the world and others around her.


Lily Dworak

Lily Dworak is a junior studying finance from Cromwell, Connecticut. Throughout her first two years at UConn, she discovered deep passions in health, entrepreneurship, and philosophy. She is currently working on a food product within the Werth Innovators program designed to make it easier for people to maintain a healthy diet from wherever they are. She is also a founding member of the Opportunity Fund, the first women-focused student-managed fund in UConn’s history. In her free time, Lily enjoys meditation, reading, and exercising. She prides herself on being a lifelong learner and wants to continue using education as a vehicle for personal growth and creating innovative solutions to problems. As a Werth Innovator, Lily hopes to further cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and meet people with similar interests.


Joseph Foy
Joseph Foy III is a dedicated student at the University of Connecticut's School of Business, where he is pursuing a degree in finance. As a Werth Innovator, he eagerly embraces new opportunities for growth. Beyond his academic pursuits, Joseph's life is anchored in his Christian faith, which guides his actions and values. In addition to his studies, Joseph finds fulfillment in a diverse range of interests. He enjoys engaging in sports, appreciating films, and exploring the world of auto-motives. These passions provide him with inspiration and a well-rounded perspective on life. With a goal to learn from those around him, Joseph strives to make a positive impact on the world. Through a combination of his strong educational background and the experiences gained at UConn he hopes to develop his skills further, and gain new ones. Joseph is determined to not only tackle challenges, but remain open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. His academic prowess, passion for finance, and diverse interests make him a well-rounded individual ready to leave a lasting mark in his field. In sum, Joseph is a dedicated student at UConn's School of Business. He embraces opportunities for growth and finds joy in sports, films, and auto-motives. With a strong educational background and a drive to make a positive impact, Joseph is poised to excel in any industry he finds himself.


Julia Ghagare
Julia Ghagare is a sophomore Marketing major and tentative Economics minor in the Honors Program from South Windsor, CT. Julia is a first-gen American college student and eldest daughter of Mexican and Indian parents. She enjoys biking and reading books from inspirational females authors in her free time. In the UConn community, Julia strives to be heavily involved in activities that support the student body's success and development. Julia serves as Vice President of External Relations for UConn Women in Business, member of the Special Events Committee in SUBOG, UNIV Facilitator for UNIV 1784 (a first-year Honors experience course), Mentor for the Financial Literacy Innovation Program (F.L.I.P.), volunteers for Husky Ambassadors, and works as an Intramural Official at the Rec Center. As a Werth Innovator, Julia wants to explore sustainability through an entrepreneurial lens, or in other words, ecopreneurship. Her eyes are set on discovering ways to change population habits surrounding overconsumption/production, and increase awareness of the environmental impacts caused by consumer choices. Leadership, authenticity, and persistence have been the cherished values contributing to Julia's success and will continue to be the driving forces behind her goals.


Nikhil Ghosh
Nikhil is a sophomore majoring in Computer Science with the goal of using technology to support people. Currently, he is working on GoalTac, a UConn-based startup encouraging people to complete their tasks by unifying a productivity app with motivators like social accountability and gamification. In GoalTac, Nikhil leads a small team in software development, business strategy, marketing, and research, and also works in recruiting and networking. He has previously worked in teaching, business development, bookkeeping, and customer service roles. Nikhil's recent projects include prototyping an AI graphic novel generator at HackUConn and leading a semester of calculus classes as a Supplemental Instructor. In the UConn community, he is involved as a Floor Mentor in the Public Health Learning Community, an E-board leader in the club Diversability, and a volunteer at the Storrs Congregational Church food pantry. Nikhil is an explorer passionate about well-being and relationships. He joined Werth Innovators to cultivate his entrepreneurial mindset and enhance his ability to create value for others through innovative products and services. He is excited to grow and connect with others in this community.


Hannah Ginste
As a writer, music lover, smoothie enthusiast, and a pluviophile, Hannah is thrilled to begin her adventures as a Werth Innovator and put her entrepreneurial ambitions to the test. She's currently a rising sophomore at UCONN, aiming to study in the business school and continue to learn more about communications/public relations, anthropogenic global climate change and solutions, and programming throughout her academic career. Seeking to connect people and make the environment around her a happier, more accepting place, Hannah hopes to unite her creative aspirations with her dreams for a better world and create positive change for women, college students, and anybody else she happens to meet along the way :). In her free time, Hannah enjoys songwriting and playing her guitar and ukulele, skateboarding, spending time with her family and two dogs, and being outside in nature as much as possible!


Tina Ngo
Tina is a sophomore Business Management with a concentration in Entrepreneurship Major and a prospective Real Estate Minor. Tina is an administrative assistant for Global Business Programs in the Dean’s Suite of the business school; at this position, Tina and her team function as a hub for all global business related information such as study abroad opportunities, networking opportunities, internships, and scholarships. Through her experience at Global Business Programs, Tina has gained immense knowledge on global business concerns and also learned how to integrate into a corporate setting. Tina has helped to direct and lead Global Business Ambassadors, a community of like-minded individuals who have a passion for international issues and sustainability. Tina is also Vice President of the Net Impact Undergraduate Chapter, a new SOLID organization on campus that she is excited to initiate. Tina was also an editor for Her Campus where she wrote articles pertaining to fashion and lifestyle. In her free time, Tina loves to read and indulge in art. She also is an avid traveler and an ambitious individual.


Spencer Thompson
Spencer is a rising sophomore, studying economics. He is active on campus participating in the UConn Investment Banking Society, Fed Challenge, Finance Society and other student groups across UConn. Spencer enjoys traveling and has a particular passion for international business. He previously studied in Ghana, working with various fintech, supply chain, and commodity companies, based in Accra. He is currently studying in London, where he will intern with a local consultancy group. In his free time, Spencer enjoys reading, spending time with friends, and trying new experiences. After his studies, Spencer is aspiring to a master's in quantitative economics.


Lenie Urbina

Lenie Urbina is a current junior pursuing a degree in Management with a focus on pre-law studies. With a keen interest in the music industry, Lenie aspires to specialize in intellectual property law. Her strong dedication to entrepreneurship and innovation is evident, complemented by her ownership of the widely-streamed podcast, "The Guud Life." Lenie's commitment to her academic and professional pursuits sets her on a promising path toward making significant contributions in the legal and business spheres. When she isn't in class, you can find her on a long run, trying new foods, or spending time with her 3 month old puppy, Ozzie!


2022 Werth Innovators

Laura Braddick
Laura is a Management student at the University of Connecticut School of Business. Outfit Insider is her start-up, establishing an unbiased platform for communities to review, share, and analyze their purchases transparently. Formerly, she was on the UConn Division I women's rowing team. Originally from Kennebunk, Maine, she's passionate about entrepreneurship and sustainable fashion. She studied luxury design management at Parsons the New School in Paris and Polimoda in Florence.

Laura gained experience through a venture capital internship at this summer with their portfolio company Nunbelievable. She is a Werth Innovator and incoming Hillside Venture analyst. Currently, she's engaged in ClimateWerx and Build Hartford cohorts as well as continuing my position at this semester.


Charlotte Chen
Charlotte Chen is from Weston, Connecticut pursuing a dual major in Materials Science and Engineering and Molecular and Cell Biology with a minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the Honors Program. She has experience as the Digital Editor of The Daily Campus and as the Vice President of Origami Club. She is also one of the co-founders of Geomate, an app that helps to ensure safe walking at night. When she's not working or in classes, Charlotte can be found crocheting the days away, tending to her mini plant army, and making noise with her violin.


Kristina DeMichiel


Nathan Catapano
Nathan is studying Communications at the University of Connecticut College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball and disc golf. Nathan is also the founder of Swipestorm, a software company that offers digital solutions for restaurant management. He is passionate about entrepreneurship, leadership, and communication.


Arav Parikh
Arav is a third year Honors Computer Science student at the University of Connecticut with minors in Mathematics and Computer Science. Arav is interested in applying the emerging fields of AI and data science for the social good and has already had countless opportunities in his time as an undergrad to do so. One of these opportunities as the Lead Data Scientist at UConn startup PatentPlus not only allowed Arav to hone his technical skills but also discover his passion for entrepreneurship. As a NursEng Fellow this year, he hopes to be able to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in the world of healthcare with a multidisciplinary team. In his free time, Arav enjoys playing and watching sports, running, cooking, and listening to music. As a Werth Innovator, Arav hopes to be able to network with like-minded individuals, refine his softer skills, and kickstart his entrepreneurial journey.


Asley Perez
Asley Perez, a third-year undergraduate majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology with a minor in Communications at the University of Connecticut, is a versatile and detail-oriented professional. As an EMT with a strong commitment to healthcare, she has provided timely and compassionate emergency medical care at New Britain EMS. Simultaneously, Asley is an entrepreneur, owning Asley's Backyard LLC, a landscaping and masonry company in New Haven County, which champions women's empowerment in a traditionally male-dominated field. Her involvement in the Werth Innovators Leadership Development Program Cohort showcases her commitment to making a meaningful impact on her entrepreneurial journey. Her assistant research in Allied Health, focusing on the impact of social media on health promotion, demonstrates her commitment to improving the well-being of individuals and families, particularly pregnant or postpartum individuals. Asley's academic prowess, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, and dedication to healthcare have shaped her into a versatile and driven professional.


Jonathan Schoelkopf
Jonathan Schoelkopf is a 3rd-year Management & Entrepreneurship student extremely passionate about the ever-revolving door of businesses. He's been a part of the Werth Institute since the Fall of 2022 and currently participating in the Fall 2023 ClimateWerx cohort. Beyond that, he's involved with Hillside Ventures investing in early-stage startups and a former member of the Business Connections Learning Community. A few of his interests include sustainable fashion, small businesses, and seeing the world.


2024 First-Year Women Werth Innovators

Julia Cirone

Julia is an Accounting student, graduating in 2027, and pursuing her entrepreneurial passions through her business ReBalance. ReBalance is working to build a motivational community and brand that encourages each other to balance time effectively and to accomplish goals.


Theresa Dobbins

Theresa Dobbins, originally from Greenwich, CT, is dedicated to her Mechanical Engineering studies, particularly in the field of aerospace and mathematics education. She aspires to broaden her horizons by exploring project management, networking, and drawing inspiration from the diverse ideas and stories of others.


Lakshita Ganesh Kumar

As a first-year Computer Science and Engineering Honors student, Lakshita is excited to pursue her passions in both coding and fashion. Through the Werth Innovators program, she has been able to develop her idea for a fashion-based social networking app that will allow college students and young adults truly express and explore their styles without being bombarded by mainstream trends and media. Moving forward, she plan sto scale this project into something that students at UConn and beyond can partake in.


Jordan Latta

From Stamford, Connecticut, Jordan Latta is channeling her entrepreneurial passion through her business, Latta Plans. This service provides personalized digital itineraries that include detailed plans for restaurants, activities, and events throughout the Fairfield County area. Jordan is eager to explore Digital Media and Design, as she enhances her creativity and expresses her ideas through various multimedia platforms.


Sarah McCarthy

From Merrimack, New Hampshire, Sarah McCarthy is a dedicated student majoring in Cognitive Science. With a profound passion for cognitive science, human happiness, and literary analysis, she is driven by a quest for deeper understanding. Sarah hopes to further explore the art of effective self-presentation, storytelling, and cultivating genuine connections, aspiring to become a compelling individual to network and collaborate with.


Rosemary Moyo

From Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, Rosemary Moyo is a dedicated student pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering. With a passionate interest in the intersection of technology and medicine, science fairs, finance, economics, and languages, she is committed to exploring diverse fields of interest. Rosemary aspires to enhance her skills in effective communication, building lasting connections, problem-solving approaches, and generating innovative, impactful ideas for the future.


Juliana Portal

From Avon, CT, Juliana Portal is a driven student pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering. With a desire to help others, she seeks to broaden her horizons by delving into various interests beyond her major. Juliana is eager to gain insights into business operations and entrepreneurship, aspiring to understand the intricacies involved in creating and managing a successful venture.


Raaga Pulya

Raaga Pulya, from Acton, MA, is dedicated to her studies in Physiology & Neurobiology. Her passion for medicine, entrepreneurship, and research drives her to seek knowledge in various fields. Raaga is eager to delve into the realm of marketing and hopes to gain insights into effectively promoting products to interested audiences.


2024 Werth Innovators

Aya Amoudi

Aya is an accomplished and driven individual with a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Connecticut. She is a proactive leader and community builder as she serves as the President of the North African Student Society and the Secretary of the Biomedical Engineering Society Student Chapter, where she facilitates communication and event planning. Her role as a Resident Assistant and her involvement in the Undergraduate Student Government as an Operations Director and Women in Math, Science, and Engineering as an Events Coordinator underscore her commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and dynamic community. Fluent in Arabic and French, with conversational proficiency in Spanish, Aya brings a global perspective to her endeavors, making her a remarkable asset in any field she chooses to pursue. In addition to her academic pursuits, she has been a member of research teams focusing on tissue slicing and musculoskeletal system modeling, employing sophisticated techniques and software engineering.


Brendan Barnett

Brendan Barnett is an ambitious Computer Science and Engineering honors student passionate about building businesses. His current focus is Green Elm Web Solutions, a website design and development company tailored to serve startups and small businesses in CT. Despite his technical background, he is drawn to the challenges and intricacies of the business world. Currently, Brendan is an AI Research Assistant, an Analyst at Hillside Ventures, the Team Lead at UConn ITS, and a CSE Teaching Assistant. These diverse experiences allow him to practice essential entrepreneurial skills like leading technical teams, evaluating businesses, and communicating complex ideas intuitively. When he’s not working on a business or developing trading algorithms, Brendan is probably running, snowboarding, or at Starbucks.


Krishna Benzy

Krishna Benzy is a sophomore at the University of Connecticut, majoring in finance and actively participating in the Werth Innovators program. Outside of his coursework, he is deeply involved in various co-curricular activities, including playing for the Men's Club Rugby Team, participating in the Investment Banking Society, and contributing to the Business Connections Learning Community (BCLC). He is also engaged with the Asian Mentoring Program and has been selected as a Resident Assistant for the BCLC. Krishna has demonstrated his leadership and entrepreneurial skills through various ventures and competitions. Krishna is passionate about health and wellness, real estate investment, and personal finance. He constantly seeks to enhance his knowledge and skills in these areas, driving his entrepreneurial spirit and ambition to create value and make a positive impact. Guided by a commitment to excellence and a desire to learn from those around him, Krishna expects the Werth Innovators program to be a catalyst for his entrepreneurial journey. Through his involvement in the program, he aims to accelerate his growth and contribute to his long-term vision of leading innovative ventures, leaving a lasting impact in his field.


Kate Boget

Kate is a rising sophomore at the University of Connecticut pursuing a dual-degree with a Bachelor’s of Business in Marketing and a Bachelor’s of Science in Sport Management. She is active on campus as the Lead Coordinator and Chief of Marketing for the UConn Sport Business Conference, a Graphic Designer and multimedia specialist for Championship Labs–a student-led NIL activity and content creation team, and a member of UConn Women in Sport and UConn Women in Business. Additionally, Kate is a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, and a two time Dean’s List honoree. She is thrilled to begin her work as a Werth Innovator, and excited for the opportunity to expand her entrepreneurial abilities. In her free time, Kate enjoys spending time with friends and family, working out, baking, and hopes to one day, be an avid traveler.


Ethan Carty

Ethan is majoring in Data Science & Engineering with a minor in Mathematics to pursue a career in human-computer interaction. Before the innovators program, he worked for the National Science Foundation's REU program at Cornell Tech to perform research into improving automated vehicles and analyzing driving differences between cultures. Furthermore, Ethan gained experience in surgical robotics as an engineering intern at Medtronic. He plans to combine his experiences in research and the industry to engineer tools that streamline everyday tasks using artificial intelligence. Additionally, he aims to develop his entrepreneurial skills by working with like-minded Werth Innovators while learning how to commercialize his ideas. In his free time, Ethan enjoys running, gaming, playing chess and cello, and tutoring math at local high schools in his hometown of Fairfield, Connecticut. He believes that long runs help him cultivate his best ideas and relax his mind. After graduating, he plans on pursuing a PhD in computer science to improve and apply machine learning algorithms related to human-computer interaction.


Jenaliz Cordero

Jenaliz Cordero is a sophomore during the 2024-25 academic year. They are a Geoscience major with a concentration in Earth Science. Jenaliz attended Ella T. Grasso Technical High School where they studied in the trade for Bio-Environmental Technology and achieved valedictorian status for the graduating class of 2023. Now at UConn, Jenaliz is a part of the Honors Program and striving to achieve University Honors Laureate status. Jenaliz is also a member of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation and the First Generation College Student Society. They are also a part of many organizations and clubs on campus. They are Treasurer of Geoclub, a club run by the geoscience department for anyone with an interest in geology, they are the representative for Decolores, a queer and Latin support group, and they are a mentor for the FAMILEE program run by the Rainbow Center to promote success and sense of belonging for incoming queer undergraduates. Ever since working for Nature's Art Village in Montville, Connecticut, Jenaliz has held a passion for sharing knowledge of paleontology to the public, especially children who are just learning about the wonders of dinosaurs, plant life, and other prehistoric organisms that roamed the Earth before humans did. Jenaliz's current dream career is to work for a museum that allows her to curate pieces related to paleontology while also allowing her to continue research in the field of paleontology.


Ari Gerard

Ari Gerard is a Finance major at the University of Connecticut School of Business, seeking continuous learning and growth as he navigates his path in the world of Finance. Outside the classroom, Ari's professional journey is marked by a blend of corporate and entrepreneurial experiences. As a Wealth Management Summer Intern at Fidelity Investments, he played a key role in developing advanced financial planning products. His analytical skills are further honed through his role as an Analyst with Hillside Ventures, the student-led venture capital fund, where he conducts due diligence and identifies high-potential startups for investment. He is an active member of the UConn Finance and Investment Banking Societies, and serves as a mentor within the Financial Literacy Innovation Program, educating at-risk high school students on personal finance and fundamental principles of investing. Additionally, Ari is a leader of the UConn Jewish community, serving as treasurer and board member of the Chabad on campus. In his spare time, Ari operates a successful e-commerce business selling pre-owned menswear, currently generating $250k+ in annual revenue. Beyond his academic and professional pursuits, Ari is an avid runner and is currently training for his third full marathon.


Drew Harrington

Drew is a third-year Finance major and Entrepreneurship minor from Melrose, Massachusetts. He is a former member of the Business Connections Learning Community and a past Get Seeded contestant. This summer, Drew delved into the world of venture capital as a intern, where he worked with their portfolio company RubyWell. He is now pursuing his passion for sports innovation as he takes on the role of Sports Tech Analyst at Hillside Ventures.


Kaan Ozuolmez

Kaan is a quite handsome young fellow dual degreeing in Business Management & Philosophy. When asked, “Why philosophy?” Kaan explains that he enjoys pondering the intricacies of the universe. Sources say that at 6 feet in height, Kaan stands tall in facing entrepreneurial challenges (the tape measure says 5’ 9 ¾”). In his free time, Kaan enjoys saving kittens from trees, stopping crime, and getting involved with the Werth Institute. The most impactful lessons come in the form of failure – Kaan has learned a lot. With this knowledge and perseverance, he hopes to bring these characteristics to engage and grow in this community.


Abdulhaq Sani

Abdulhaq Sani, a devout Muslim and rising junior at the University of Connecticut pursuing a degree in Management Information Systems (MIS), proudly represents the first-generation college students of Hartford, embracing the responsibility of paving the way for future scholars in his community. At UConn, he serves as a mentor for incoming Hartford Promise Scholars and volunteers in the Uconn Multicultural Business Society(MBS), actively supporting students and championing values of diversity and inclusion. Being an active member of organizations like NABA (National Association of Black Accountants) and NESBE (National Society of Black Engineers), Abdulhaq has continued to develop vital skills in leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving, enhancing his potential not only as a Werth Innovator but as a future leader. Abdulhaq's dedication to helping others extends far past campus boundaries, where he’s helped supervise youth programs and distribute garden beds to underprivileged families, demonstrating his commitment to servicing his community. As a Werth innovator, Abdulhaq is ready to leverage his unique experience (being a member of an underrepresented, marginalized community) to explore new opportunities for growth, channeling a passion for community service and technology to create tangible solutions to issues in healthcare and regarding food insecurity. Beyond the classroom, Abdulhaq is an open-minded individual with interests ranging from classic media to exploring the latest advancements in information technology and generative AI.


Kortney St Preux

My name is Kortney St Preux, I’m a rising Sophomore currently in ACES but applying for the School Of Business in Healthcare Management major with a minor in Psychological Sciences. As part of UConn, I am the community enrichment chair for the Global Business Ambassador. I love traveling and diving into new perspectives, I am a Brand Ambassador for GIVE Volunteers and volunteered over the summer in Nicaragua through them. I am a Facilitator at UConn’s Women Center for a support group named In-Power which focused on empowering survivors of non gender base violence. At the women center, I advocate and educate students on campus to bring awareness and raise conversation about women issues. I am also a floor mentor at Innovation Learning Community. I am passionate about advocacy, community building and mental health awareness. I hope to combine my entrepreneurial spirit with my interest in philanthropy to make the world a slightly better place.


2021-2022 Werth Innovators

Poorna Balakumar
Poorna is a junior Honors student in the Special Program in Medicine, majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology, Pathobiology, and Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, and minoring in Healthcare Management and Insurance Studies. Entering college, Poorna was named a Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial Scholarship Recipient by FIRST Robotics, recognized for her success in research at the Yale School of Medicine and for her future potential for innovation in research during her undergraduate years; inspired by this experience, she hopes to serve others through the power of research, innovation and technology. Now, Poorna is an undergraduate researcher and SURF Award recipient in the Geary Laboratory studying human respiratory pathogens in order to better understand vaccine development and global health issues. On campus, Poorna is on the Executive Boards of UConn Rescue and Medical Minds Matter as Treasurer; she is also a Peer Research Ambassador and a member of the CLAS Student Leadership Board. In her free time, Poorna loves dancing and is the Captain of UConn Thunderaas, a nationally-competitive Indian dance team. As a Werth Innovator, Poorna hopes to advocate for unconventional forms of learning, developing student entrepreneurship in the crossections of innovation, creativity and the performing arts.

Hritish Bhargava
Hritish is a Junior at the University of Connecticut majoring in Engineering Physics with a plan to minor in Entrepreneurship. Hritish enjoys playing the guitar, spending time with his family, and playing/watching sports. Additionally, Hritish has been and is currently involved in a multitude of entrepreneurial programs at the University including CCEI's Traction, Get Seeded, and Student Ambassador programs. Hritish will also be participating in the Inaugural Stamford Startup Studio co-op in the Fall Semester with 6 other students. Hritish also has a passion for startups and has one of his known as the Collision Avoidance Safety System or CASS. He has developed a novel brake bar design with his team and is looking to significantly reduce the number of rear-end collisions to avoid the hassle and problems they cause to anyone involved. He feels that every driver should feel safe on the road regardless of how new their car is or how expensive. As a member of the WILD program, Hritish plans to further develop his startup CASS and reach as many drivers as he can.

Makayla Dawkins
Makayla Dawkins is a rising junior from the inner city of New Haven, CT. She is double majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a minor in Africana Studies at the University of Connecticut. When she isn't studying, she is serving with USG Student Services as a Sexual Health and Education Advocacy Coordinator where she has implemented a menstrual care package program and created legislation in solidarity of UConns queer community. She can also be found fulfilling her role as an RA in the arts learning communities or working with LGBTQ folks at Rainbow Center. She hopes to become a Healthcare Administrator overseeing a health facility while also serving families impacted by incarceration. In her free time, Makayla serves as an intern of Free All My Suns Inc., a nonprofit that connects families to the imprisoned and oversees their various programs. Additionally, she destigmatizes mental illness as an intern with the Holistic Huskies, a mental health podcast where she advocates for suicide prevention and mental health in communities of color.

Tyler Goodwin
Tyler is a rising junior at UConn studying marketing with a concentration in professional sales leadership. As a member of The Innovation House Learning Community and an OPIM Innovate lab specialist for The School of Business, Tyler looks to bridge the gaps between technology and business in order to develop modernized business practices and marketing strategies. Apart from his endeavors in entrepreneurship and technology, Tyler rows on the UConn Men's Crew team and has served as the social coordinator on the Werth residence hall association executive board. As a Werth Innovator, Tyler is excited to collaborate and network with others to further his ideas and hopes to do the same for his peers.

Sophia Manos
Sophia is a sophomore in the Honors Program majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology with plans to become a behavioral neuroscientist. In addition to a passion for science, she enjoys engaging in creative endeavors. As a member of the Honors Humanities and Arts Collective, she contributes to the creation of a semesterly zine that showcases students’ original work. Outside of UConn, she volunteers as a Greek school teacher, instructing kindergarten level students in language and culture. In recent years, she has developed a passion for making through involvement in maker spaces during both high school and college. As a Werth Innovator, she plans to encourage students of all backgrounds to explore the LCIZ Maker Space and discover their own innovative mindset.

Nidhi Nair
Nidhi is a junior and an Honors Economics and Mathematics-Statistics major at the University of Connecticut. She serves as the President of the UConn Economics Society, as the Treasurer of Women and Minorities in Economics, as a Local Coordinator for Students For Liberty, and as an ambassador for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Nidhi works as a research assistant in the Economics department and has completed research internships at think tanks like the Cato Institute and Our National Conversation. She is passionate about financial literacy and economic inclusion for underrepresented groups. As a Werth Innovator, Nidhi hopes to conduct a research project on financial knowledge asymmetries at the University of Connecticut, and develop novel ways of understanding the link between wealth inequality and financial illiteracy.

José Ortiz
José Ortiz is a sophomore and first-generation student who moved from Puerto Rico to the United States in 2011. At UConn, he studies chemistry on the pre-medical track and is a Mortensen Scholar, Connects Peer Mentor through the Academic Achievement Center, and Werth Innovator. Beyond UConn, José has been involved with the local community by volunteering at Hartford Hospital's COVID-19 vaccine clinic, where he contributed to a total of 33,263 vaccines being administered in under 3 months. At Hartford Hospital, he is also beginning work as a PCA while also volunteering in the Hospital's surgery rooms. After graduating, José aspires to attend medical school and eventually specialize in dermatology. As a Werth Innovator, he seeks to develop a product that's accessible for anyone, regardless of financial status.

Sandra Osei-Boasiako
Sandra Osei-Boasiako is a junior nursing major and human development and family studies minor here at the University of Connecticut. Sandra is an honors student, is involved in the John and Valerie Rowe Scholars Program, PATH to PCNP program. For the Fall 2021 semester, she hopes to begin research for her thesis on symptom reporting and making it more efficient. Sandra was an employee at the UConn Foundation, and her interests include improving healthcare access to marginalized communities and improving symptom reporting between patients and their primary care physicians. Outside of school and work: she likes to read and play tennis.

Sucika Perumalla
Sucika Perumalla is a junior majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology, with a Bioinformatics Minor. She is also a STEM Scholar and the Co-social engagement chair of the EBoard. Through Sucika’s involvement with TEDxUConn as Treasurer, she has developed a love for public speaking and spreading the innovative ideas of our community to a larger audience. As an undergraduate researcher in Behavioral/ Cognitive Neuroscience at the Markus lab on campus and at Boston Children’s Hospital, Sucika hopes to use the support of the Werth Innovators program to develop a platform for researchers to enhance their presentational skills. Additionally, she hopes to overcome the barrier research-specific jargon presents to larger audiences and inspire people everywhere to examine and comprehend the complexities of scientific research. In her free time, Sucika volunteers for a non-profit organization, Paper Airplanes, as an English tutor and Curriculum Designer to support internally displaced individuals affected by the Syrian and Palestine crisis.

Varsha Rathore
Currently a Sophomore, Varsha is an Honors student majoring in Computer Science and Engineering and minoring in Mathematics. As a part of the UConn community, Varsha is involved in multiple organizations and serves key roles on the coordinator boards: Operations Co-Coordinator at Camp Kesem at UConn, Treasurer and Education Coordinator for Honors in STEM, and Logistics and Event Planning Lead for HackUConn. She was also named a 2021 Holster Scholars Finalist for her research interests in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Outside of the UConn community, Varsha has been involved with Major League Hacking (fellowship), Code Ninjas (volunteer work experience), Summer of Ideas by Infosys (summer apprenticeship), and First Lego League (mentor for 3 junior teams). Additionally, Varsha is a competitive tennis player who was nationally ranked and within the Top 21 in New England for Class of 2020. As a Werth Innovator, Varsha hopes to bring more insights into technology and entrepreneurship by promoting related events.

Matt Silverman
Matt Silverman is a maker who is passionate about tinkering with ideas to create new things. He is a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering and minoring in computer science with the goal of one day playing a role in establishing off-earth manufacturing capabilities. As a student with varied interests, Matt has worked on a wide array of projects ranging from custom resin cast keycaps for mechanical keyboards to a Rube Goldberg task management machine for HackUMass and a prototype modular water measurement system for HackUConn. Currently, he is working on StressOut, a startup he co-founded that seeks to teach people how to manage stress through wearable technology and biosignals. Additionally, he is a contributing member of the UConn Association for Computing Machinery as the robotics subgroup lead where he is working to improve his proficiency with electronics by learning alongside like-minded students. In his spare time, Matt can usually be found in the makerspace working on whatever idea comes next.

Alicia Sleight
Alicia Sleight is from Killingworth, Connecticut. She studies Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut Storrs campus, and she is in the graduating class of 2023. Alicia hopes to pursue a career as an engineer in the medical device industry because she is passionate about improving the quality of medical care. For the summer of 2021, she had a design engineer internship at Precision X-Ray, which is a company in Connecticut that specializes in cabinet X-ray machines. Alicia is very involved on campus. She is a member of the Phi Sigma Rho National Engineering Sorority, the UConn Society of Women in Engineering (SWE), the UConn Concrete Canoe Club, the Engineering Learning Community, and several other organizations. Alicia joined the Werth Innovator Leadership Program in her junior year.

Victoria Song
Victoria is a rising sophomore majoring in Computer Science in the School of Engineering at UConn’s Stamford campus. She is currently interning with Microsoft this summer to develop a feature for the Whiteboard app, and previously she had interned with Yale University’s Department of Astronomy as part of her high school’s science research program. In her free time, she enjoys making digital art. Victoria hopes to leverage the WILD program’s resources to further explore her interests in art, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Swetha Tadepalli
Swetha is a third-year Molecular and Cellular Biology student at the University of Connecticut. In her time as an undergraduate, Swetha interned at Vistara Bioscience LLC under the guidance of Girish Nallur where she performed research studying the interactions between the proteins of the COVID-19 virus and human cell receptors. She is passionate about women’s health and cancer research and hopes to pursue an individualized major studying women’s and reproductive health in the context of politics, epidemiology, and global health policy. Aside from research, Swetha is secretary of a competitive inter-collegiate dance team on campus. The arts have always been a large part of who she is. She has touched every craft imaginable, including singing, dance, knitting, sewing, making jewelry, embroidery, and playing 4 instruments. She enjoys using these skills to upcycle thrifted clothing, which she sells on her Instagram page: @shrey&sway with her friend Shreya Dhume. If you would like to contact Swetha, she can be emailed at

Eric Venables

Eric Venables
Eric is a Junior studying Mechanical Engineering at UConn Storrs. Having a great love for music and performance, he participates in both instrumental and choral groups at UConn, also pursuing a Minor in music. Outside of coursework, Eric is the music director of one of the Co-Ed A Cappella groups at UConn, Extreme Measures. His passions also extend to the stage where he has performed in musicals, and he cannot wait for live musical and choral performances to be allowed once again on campus and beyond. Besides his interest in the arts, Eric enjoys tackling big-picture tasks and has an affinity towards problem solving, both in group and individual settings, hence his pursuit of a degree in a STEM topic. Starting from his time at UConn, Eric has acquired interest in the function of college-level Entrepreneurial pursuits and other business/finance traits that aid those wishing to realize their innovative vision. His career interests, though varied, tend towards the business and legal procedures that are implicit to Engineering consulting, patent law, and engineering contracting. He hopes to apply his adaptability to his chosen field and perhaps oversee/consult with newer businesses on their Engineering needs during developmental stages.

Rashana Weerasinghe
Rashana is a junior studying Business Data Analytics at UConn. Currently, she is the Vice President of the Data Analytics Club and the Treasurer for the Financial Management Club. Rashana is an analyst on the newly formed UConn Student Venture Fund, Hillside Ventures. She is also a member of the Business Connections Learning Community, where she served as an Academic Mentor and Committee Chair. Rashana has a diverse background with experience in healthcare, investment banking, early-stage technology startups, and telecommunications. The common thread between her past experiences and future endeavors lies at the intersection of human behavior, entrepreneurship, and technology.